Many weemen have asked me what my perfect woman was. I was always a little cagey with my reply so I wouldn't inadvertently lead them on, you know what weemen are like. So anyway me being the closest thing to God that any of you lot will ever see have made my own perfect woman out of some spare parts I had lying around. I call her Chesty La Rue.
Friday, 18 May 2007
My Perfect Woman Smells A Bit.
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More like a droplet.
Yeah, but can she cook?
She can't cook but she'll fry up a treat in about a week.
Aaargh ...
Robert Crumb! Sketchbooks. Go and look for bigbreasted women with large boots. And arses.
Actually its art.
for fakes sake, welcome to the new gameshow,"guess my comment" I'm off to look at some porn er I mean art.
cos it's all about you...a match made in heaven
Does she have a sister?
Robert Crumb did a lot of pornographic cartoons. I think you'd like it. Go on... google him. You might be surprised.
Mago: I knew exactly what you meant. ;)
savannah if it wasn't about me then who would it be about?
MJ a half sister.
fresh hell trust you to know what he meant, I just thought he was being crazy and abstract, I get that alot from my readers.
Damn you, I asked you not to post my picture!!!!
"Crazy and abstract".
Hmpf. Maybe I am concrete sometimes, like in "stoned", but not abstract.
Robert Crumb confonted himself and his readers with some of his passions and obsessions. Besides his "comic"-work he did books and illustrations for authors like Kafka and Krafft-Ebing (or was it Sacher-Masoch?). His sketchbooks were printed some years ago.
A guy called Zwigoff made a domumentary about the Crumb-family and it is one of the most oppressive portraits I saw ever - not Robert's own family with his wife Aline and the daughter, but Robert's parents and brothers. Shivering.
He lives in southern France now and hopefully in peace.
Fresh Hell: One understanding soul in this darkness in Knudsenville ...
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