Have you ever passed by certain clubs and they have advertised "Live Nude Weemen" ? well I have as I would never go into those places. Do you ever see "Dead Nude Weemen" advertised? I'm just asking as I would assume that all their employees would be alive, I don't know what the labour laws are regarding dead people, probably similar to those of hiring Teenagers.
Toys directed at gurl children (or the odd sensitive boy) still try to program them into accepting their roles in society.
Now theres this Baby Alive doll, the Baby Dead doll was marketed in the middle east as that's what they are into (as long as they die with a head scarf on and the soles of their feet doon and everyone is happy) This Baby Alive is a creepy looking fucker, it talks and follows you with its eyes, and like a real 'live' baby it eats and poops, it doesn't however have an alarm that wakes it up screaming at 4am vomiting over its sheets, and continues to scream for 2 hours now that would add to realism.
Toys directed at gurl children (or the odd sensitive boy) still try to program them into accepting their roles in society.
Now theres this Baby Alive doll, the Baby Dead doll was marketed in the middle east as that's what they are into (as long as they die with a head scarf on and the soles of their feet doon and everyone is happy) This Baby Alive is a creepy looking fucker, it talks and follows you with its eyes, and like a real 'live' baby it eats and poops, it doesn't however have an alarm that wakes it up screaming at 4am vomiting over its sheets, and continues to scream for 2 hours now that would add to realism.
Unlike real 'live' babies the baby alive tells you when its shit itself, "I made a stinky" so you get to change it with the nappies made especially for them, yes you can get extra nappies if you don't mind the price gouging.
To indoctrinate all the children they have Baby alive in other ethnicities and languages.
Now the truth, all of this is not just to keep weemen subservient so they don't get ideas above their station but also to get them used to feces, the Scheisse video may have cum from Germany in fact a lot of shit has cum from Germany but the Sandsavage has run with the idea and secretly funds the toy organisation known as Hasbro to fulfil their sick pleasures of weemen that like to be dumped on or to be the dumpees, c'mon weemen if you have ever said these words? "I'm not taking anymore of his shit" you're partly there, shit is in yer brain .
The Tiny tears doll you had just cried like a victim would, see the pattern? you don't see any Baby stand up to an abusive Husband now do you?
Not having played with dolls (terms and condition may apply) I have never seen a baby doll with a penis, odd that.
"Wise up Old Knudsen" I hear you say ," you're just using yer new found bigoted hatred of Sandsavages because they took yer people and you're working on the fears and insecurities of weemen " and do you have a point? when you think about it you'll see that I have a point, make the into gurls subservient breeders and the boys violent . Lets hope the lads in the British Navy get aggression training after the Iran shit.

Is that a puppy in yer pocket or are ya just pleased to see me? would you like to pet my puppy?
Is that a Mastiff or a Great Dane ?
"Women! Know your limits!" - Harry Enfield
An English Pointer?
I think Baby Alive would make an excellent subject for a creepy sci-fi flick. "I made a stinky" would make a great tag line.
It's a poodle, by the way.
Baby alive - grandpa, what's the difference really?
lynn but they never do.
tony its not a pug.
sassy it could be the child of chucky.
ms pool those wanting babies should get one just to take the novelty off.
makes me want to go camping. Where is my tent?
Is an Action Man considered a doll or the Six Million Dollar Man? If they are, I may need some counseling. I was young and didn't know any better.
Dead people can be assigned to. See american Geisterbahn where they use(d) shot or hanged cowboys. Cheap thrills. Beyond any description.
Baby Alive is the logical evolution of the tamagochi. Wait for next year's upgrate ...
No. It's clearly a cocker spaniel. Wagging his tail for his mistress.
Ye widnae want tae call thon bairn a nappy-headed ho-ho-ho.
I hate baby alive dolls, they're as creepy as clowns. When I was nannying I refused to have the things anywhere near me. A child doesn't need a prop to learn basic bodily functions. These dolls were hailed as a great way to teach potty training.
And to jump on the global pollution bandwagon for a second, they scream about disposable nappies as it is and now they make them for dolls? Too stupid.
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