I read the headline "Tough justice for ASBOs at museum." Now an ASBO for dirty foreigners means Anti-Social Behaviour Order which is a court order to cease certain activities such as vandalism, theft, begging or in the past a 13-year-old forbidden to use the word "grass" a 17-year-old forbidden to use his front door also an 87-year-old man ordered not to shout, swear or make "sarcastic remarks to neighbours or their visitors which really did spoil my fun those fucking cunts .
I thought ah finally they are cutting thumbs off hoods that graffiti or kneecapping joyriders yes, my letters have been read by Blair who wants to sort out the cuntry before he leaves, ah no amount of ghey English education and a posh soft southern accent can take his Scottish blood and passion away .
Alas what they are now doing is taking offenders to the York Dungeon Museum to see what grisly punishment they would have faced had they been alive in the 18 th century, back when the punishment fitted the crime not a good fit but better than today.
No not a waste of tax payers money at all, I'm sure yer average 17 year-old chav was really shaken up by a history lesson he had no interest in or else he would have actually went to school. I'm sure they are having a good old time seeing how soft modern day law is and how oh no we don't want to offend a criminal by hanging them for murder, those graffiti tagging wankers, yes including that Banksy cunt would have been hung for that back then, art my arse the Fenians in the Maze prison were just as artistic when they smeared their shite on the walls.......... someone else's wall too.
The 'Bloody Code' was introduced in 1783 and had 220 crimes to die for.
Other death sentences would be given for shooting a rabbit, adopting a disguise and impersonating a Chelsea Pensioner Stealing a pocket handkerchief, horse stealing,buggering dead Frenchmen ,damaging a public building,threatening violence to those in duty of the king and offences against civilian residents and being Welsh while intoxicated.
A Chelsea Pensioner is a military veteran who lives in the Royal Hospital Chelsea back in the day when service men and weemen had value and we were grateful.

Since hanging was abolished in 1969 the ABSO was seen as a serious crime deterrent, they were first used in York and now its estimated that 75% of ABSO's in York are broken .
To cut doon on prison overcrowding rapists are to be made to swear on the Bible not to do it again and asked to report to a police station every 6 months if they have time to spare and they're in the vicinity. Child molesters are to be sentenced to work with children to teach them empathy and put something back into that community and serial killers are to be given a jolly good talking to.
Repeat offenders that are still in prison along with celebrity's who drink while driving will have their spa time cut doon and their cable package reduced to 108 channels, this will make prison a cruel and hard place to be and make them think twice.
The breakdown of society is here, that's for sure.
I guess the ruling class have learned nothing from the past.
A person with a full belly and a place to sleep peacefully will have absolutely no reason in the world to go too far from the boundary of the law; even if taboo
is too weak and is no longer a deterrent, comfort will help to keep him in his place .
Y;-) Paddy
Paddy said -- "A person with a full belly and a place to sleep peacefully will have absolutely no reason in the world to go too far from the boundary of the law"
I'm so relieved knowing that. Now all we have to do is give the child molesters/killers, rapists, serial killers, and gang members some food and housing, and all will be right with the world. I'll get right on it.
Laws do not work to prevent certain people from doing certain things; they are there to establish where the line is, and what punishment a person will have when they cross it.
If a person really wants to do something, a law is not going to stop them, whether it's speeding on the highway, smoking dope, or killing another human being. The person breaking the law will find some way to rationalize it and justify it, so that they may rest assured in the smug belief that the law does not apply to them.
"buggering dead Frenchmen"
A lot of that going about, then?
"Chelsea Pensioners talking about the war probably."
Jesus, which war was that? The French and Indian War?
I see from the top picture that Batman and Robin are up shit creek then.
Hahaha - it's funny! Finally the idea of education and enlightment "triumphs" over the old testament: SHOW them the tools and tell them that it really could hurt to be punished - but stay cool mate, we won't use it ... no real punishment intented. All theater, all "as if", unreal.
How much is a de luxe premium prison cell, Paris?
oo, they get a cool field trip? when my daughter got arrested for shoplifting all they did was sat that weeks haul of juvenile offenders all in a group in a room and gave the little miscreants a STERN TALKING TO. wtf? i was ready to ship her off to Purdy in chains! and good riddance! fortunately i was able to find it within my tender heart to make her life a sheer living hell for the next few months.
*smacks doubled leather strap against thigh* yep, it was tough.
Kneecapping? Didn't really work did it? Removal of leg, now you're on to something...
paddy sorry mate there is more than just comfort involved with crime.
fat sparrow sorry but i have to agree with you, if you bugger an alive frenchie he'll want to eat garlic so dead is the only way.
ron batman and Robin are up man/boy love creek.
mago thats right ya big Franconian thinker rely on the intellect and conscience of others fuck that is funny.
first nations would she had done it if she was to be hanged?
manuel What about cutting their tendons ? of course no dole they would be left to die like the Indjuns did.
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