A village in Ireland named Doon whose more original Feniany name was Dun Bleise which loosely means "the stronghold of immoral women" or "Fort of the Harlot" either way it was a fun place to visit back in the day. Some also believe that Mary Magdalene fled there to give birth to the child of Jesus but really if you had any sense you'd cum to Scotland now wouldn't you?
Those folks from Limerick have always been trouble makers anyway I don't speak Irish, in fact I barely speak English I will not be molded by the wills of others. You never see place names like that anymore, 'Village of the damned' or 'street of the dirty slappers' a distinct lack of colour and imagination, though I suspect in this case the Irish just want to set up a hoor hoose for the tourists, c'mon Yanks while you're searching for yer distant relatives for the price of a cabbage you can shag someone authentically Muck savage like. I don't think an American will worry if they're related or not.
Those folks from Limerick have always been trouble makers anyway I don't speak Irish, in fact I barely speak English I will not be molded by the wills of others. You never see place names like that anymore, 'Village of the damned' or 'street of the dirty slappers' a distinct lack of colour and imagination, though I suspect in this case the Irish just want to set up a hoor hoose for the tourists, c'mon Yanks while you're searching for yer distant relatives for the price of a cabbage you can shag someone authentically Muck savage like. I don't think an American will worry if they're related or not.

Here is the village that I used to be the mayor/ditator of until they turned on me, they would of hung me from a lampost but in my wisdom and farsightedness I had them all removed. They still keep the sign as they now know how well off they were with me as now the place is full of Poles and Muslims. No lamps on the poles still.
Here is the Austrian town of Fucking again, remember German/ Austrian pedos not so fast .
Looks like yer ma fell off her bike.
She falls off the wagon all the time so I wouldn't be surprised.
Ahhh the old taking down the lamp posts trick. Very wise Knudsen, very wise.
Dun Bleisce is not all we have to put up with. There are ...
Four Knocks
... and more. Many more.
Austrian Fucking never gets old....I hope Ma Knudy is more even tempered than MA Beasty (a quarelsome old bat at the best of times)
At least they know what their weemen want...slow and easy and not over in 30 seconds. You'll have every woman in the blog realm looking for that place now.
Y;-) Paddy
Blue Ball and Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania take the cake for me.
Cum to Canada.
To Dildo, Newfoundland.
In Devon there is a town called Snotball and another called Dicklicker.
In Penzance there is a Cock up the Arse Street!
All this is true and more...
I like to stay for long visits in Fucking. It's a lovely place really
(especially MJ)
Goodbye again.
*farts and kicks MJ in the sticky fud on the way out*
*having taken the precaution of wearing one of Old Knudsy's wellington boots*
tickersoid Lamposts of mass destruction I call them, no time for hanging around.
primal sneeze you Irish are just so whacky "Hi I cum from clit on the tongue"
Mr Beast after the last rehab fiasco I just let her do her own thing.
paddy 30 seconds? why would you take that long? I'm doon to 25 and thats with foreplay, if they don't like they can get out after I'm done, they usually do but once you've had Knudsen you never go back, to the others I mean.
sassy I can't say penal system without sniggering.
MJ Its a vibrant place.
mutleythedog I lived doon in the sunny south west for a while so I do not doubt yer claims.
Ms Pool the locals can be a real pain in the arse.
M&J hello there what about ye?
M&J cum again but not round near me.
Old Knudsen, are there any towns called "two pump chump town" or "wee willieville"? Or something similarly disparaging of men?
I gotta picture somewhere from a trip to Ireland, a remote place with a sign which named it "Cathair"
It was in the middle of nowhere with a stream running through the middle of a road bridge and could I find a sofa encrusted with the hairs off a cat's pelt like my own sofa back home? NO!
I think the Southern Irish are fekkin' liars.
Heard that the diving in Muff, Co Donegal is good
There's a wellie stuck up my snatch.
Knudsen, where's that trap door in your blog for next time M and J come 'round? Filthy Yorkshire cunts they are.
medbh I've been to 'big willy bluff', if thats counts
Mr Ron they are not liars, its the blarney which really means they are liars I suppose.
ellie I did a post about my diving for muff days, maybe you could show me the exact spot.
MJ I am spraying Febreeze on everything as we speak.
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