A TV station run by Palestinian political terrorist and catering group Hamas has put a children's show out featuring Farfur a strangely familiar mouse and his gurl child co-star Saraa.
It teaches about Islamic supremacy and the correct way to hate Israel and the US, valuable lessons for a future sandsavage.
To keep things fun and light Saraa reminds the viewers about the Palestinian prisoners and asks what will you say to Allah when he asks what did you give for their sake.
Farfur: "Yes, we, tomorrow's pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, and we will liberate Al-Aqsa, with Allah's will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah's will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers."
Saraa: "Yes, they are children occupied by the Jews, but with the will of Allah, we will resist and protect against the Zionist occupation."
Farfur: "Until we win, with the will of Allah, we will resist until we win."
All good stuff, who needs the Wiggles when you have this class act? it only confirms my hatred for such chicken shit terrorist groups and their political wings that pretend to be the hero of the people all the while using them and stoking the fires of hate and making sure the next generation are doomed as well.
No word on whether Disney will sue, its funny they copy such a well known symbol of America to teach hate against it maybe I'm right about Disney being evil.

I think you meant, "... just because Minnie has got buck teeth ..."
Or maybe not.
that Donald ride is just wrong
i dont understand.
You make all these things sound like a bad thing?
You're right, flirty. Someone needs to be arrested for putting that thing together.
Must have been made by Paul Gadd industries.
Mr K, peace be upon you, can I ask your support in the forthcoming assault to reclaim al-Asda?
They should have you on CNN as a regular British correspondent.
I first thought of the arab mouse as a sick Knudson-joke.
troika Even if I knew what I meant I wouldn't tell you, "knowledge is power"
Ms Something at the end it lets out a big groan and says "thats all folks" and falls asleep.
tony The children should be out working in copper mines not watching tv, of course its bad.
manuel you suspect hes the 'leader'?
mr warmington sorry due to a previous shop lifting conviction they won't let me do any more reclaiming.
matt you just never know whats going to catch my I think CNN would think me Irish, they need a cockney.
mago I would never joke about such a thing.
and chad is demoblizing their child soldiers..what a fucked up world we live in...jaysis, why do i get up in the morning? i havent been the same since dick left..who's going to call me "marshmellow" now?
wait..you have a secret/invitation only/private blog???? *bless your heart*
Dick left? are you a man getting a sex change? a child with a gun is as deadly as an adult, brainwashed ones even more so, the stone age with AK47s, I have many Blogs I am infecting the world.
Hes still about, I can smell his breath.
pardon me? *arched eyebrow*
That's not his breath, Mr K.
savannah headley knows I'd talk shit about him, hes gone into secret mode.
Mr warmington Its wrong whatever it is.
i know or rather, i'm not surprised...i've been reading both of you for a while now, sugar ;)
mago I would never joke about such a thing.
Mickey Mouse? Disney? Al-Aqsa-TV? Hamas? Oh come on - the only way to cope with such monstrosities is to crack jokes about'em. Laugh if you can.
But laughter is hollow when children are teached to hate - this is abuse too: Another generation of self-destroy-bombers in the making.
I heared in the last weeks the word "culture of violence" a lot. I do not know what thses commenters mean, I know that it's shit.
I guess I'm getting weak here ...
It's not just the Muslim extremists though. Has anyone seen that documentary film about Jesus Camp? It's a camp for kids - in Michigan, I believe - run by the nuttiest worshippers in the fundamental(-ly lunatic) members of the Christian right. Children are taught that they must take up arms and be soldiers for Christ.
I've only seen the trailers and have decided against watching it because I don't like chilling horror stories, especially when they're true; and I'd pop a blood vessel in rage if I could see what moronic lies these twats are teaching children.
One paraphrased quote from a little boy aged about 9. I've given my life to Jesus Christ because I just grew weary looking around me and seeing all the sin. There was sin in my heart but I saw the light and gave my life to Christ as his soldier. Now Jesus will protect me and I am going to live forever with the Lord.
There is no monopoly in this world on wicked brainwashing of the most vulnerable by self-serving emotionally malformed and twisted arsier-than-Thou merchants.
Dear lawd awmighty. I just knew that Mickey was up to know good. and check out the perve Donald is.
mago I wonder how many kids actually watch it, all depends if their parents make them and sign them up for the military parades they go too, all it takes is a few anyway.
sam problem-child-bride Some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed, substituting religion for common sense always ends badly waiting to be beamed up by a space ship.
mutley the dog the thing is the west gets offended and goes after itself.
ms pool they go to a lot of trouble to attract kids, so did michael jackson.
kate isis Goofy wants to sex you up.
But i so prefer tigger, I like to bounce. :)
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