Monday, 21 May 2007

Am I On The Same frequency? Are You Getting My Signal?

How many of you fuckers can do this? ha ha the goat is better than you.

On some comments on a Blog far far away I was asked not to joke about killing weemen as it happens all the time in the world and how weemen are devalued as trash.
From now on I shall endeavour to be deadly serious about killing weemen.

Not an attack at this person as I feel their vibe man I just have some thinking on the subject I wanted to put out there, where ever that is.

Well I understand this about weemen being devalued thing , if you check out my Fake Old Man Balls blog you'll see that I am equally outraged by such things. I recently posted about the honour killing of a 17 year old gurl in Iraq, that's that free country over on the right. I am also angry at the treatment of the world's children as shown on my World of Evil blog.

I'm a man and proud of it, not a guy or a bloke but a man. I suffer from "a white knight complex" though my armour is shit coloured I want to save the world and protect the weak.

In my life I have stood up for weemen against abusive males on numerous occasions as its the right thing to do even strong weemen need backup or defending sometime. I have found many males to have no problem saying something rude to a gurl but when I ask them if they have a problem they go all gentle Jesus meek and mild.

Yes I'm old fashioned, yes I believe in chivalry and no I will not apologise for it. I will hold a door open for a woman and even though she sneers at me for doing so and doesn't even say thankyou because she thinks its some male power thing , you allowing her to go through fuck off its called being polite. I've had shopping bags in my hands and have had other men open the door for me, again being polite.

I know that everyone has their limits with what they find funny, dead babies, dead puppies or erectile dysfunction if ya don't like it change the channel I too have my limits I just try to work through them as I am a well fucking rounded human fucking being and if you have a problem with me being in touch with ma feelings I'll gut ya like a cod, do you believe in cod?

I had also in the past made remarks about people putting a dooner on my humour, you do a post on mongs then someone comments how they have a child that's a mong, or crazy Alzheimer loonies and someone talks about their sad old mother who just passed away, well shame on you and you , put yer moving stories on yer own blog, take it outside.

I will make fun of everything because once you start to draw the line at what can and cannot be said then other things start to become taboo as well then the whole political correctness thing which goes too far or the whole its in the Bible so you take it as "the gospel truth" what a load of bollocks, some camel jockeys thousands of years ago write a best seller and people use that as a guide to live their life today? stone the gheys, stone the children, stone suspected hoors, heres an idea lets just get stoned. Those sandsavages couldn't even tie shoe laces, I have no respect for them, toilet paper? what the fuck?

Blacks and Jews are a touchy subject because they were both highly oppressed and movies have been made about them, now everyone pussy foots around them, if a black kid makes a racial slur to yer white kid at school nothing will be done as its a hot topic but if yer white kid did the same by God there would be trouble.
White police beat up a black crackhead who is trying to attack them and the city goes into riots but if some old granny gets caught up in a gang shooting then who gives a fuck? not trendy enough.

Only the BBC with their lefty agenda will show the Palestinian dead but more is made of the Jewish loses even though Israel is being fucking wankers just like the nazis.
Sex education in schools,"Now the man takes his tom tom and inserts it into the woman's va va and they die of a nasty disease, sex is bad don't do it, now I don't want to hear it mentioned ever again."
Look I can see that woman's dirty pillows while she breast feeds, stone the filthy hoor.

You can't even question the McCann's parenting technique and motives without someone getting all bent out of shape because the parents have had enough loss and you should be thinking about Madeleine and the bastard that took her, well fuckwit I can have more than one thought in my head at once unlike you who gets carried away with emotion.

This rant is merely to point out what a fucking multi faceted individual I am I don't care if you don't get me due to issues I don't need/want to hear about because you can't please everyone and I don't aim to, blogs are all about ME.
Men die, cattle die only re-runs of 'The sound of music' at Christmas time lasts for ever.
As popeye once said, "Lifes not worth a damn till you can shout out I am what I am."

On a more positive note, the best thing about Blogging is when people 'do' get it, having had my genius misunderstood for madness for most of my life and seeing that I'm not alone and being a mad genius is a good thing really means a lot and I may very well cry, but I won't as there is more tasteless, tiresome humour funny or not to be had and I'm going to have it.


The Mistress said...

I'm tuned in to your wavelength.

Rave on, Old Knudsen.

Old Knudsen said...

Ok then I shall.

There are 10 hidden messages in my post, for everyone you miss a hoor shall die, starting with the pussycats dolls and ending with banana bloody rama and maybe Enya in the middle somewhere.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

We're none of us ever going to truly "get" another person and who the hell wants that anyway?

mj's right, rave on, rant on, that's what a blog is for.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

Any woman who is seriously offended - I mean offended beyond posturing - by a man holding a door open for her, deserves to have the same door slammed in her schnoz. It's a courtesy for Christ's sake - not a socio-political comment on sexual roles in the 21st century.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

I'm in a bit of a howler myself this evening. OK I'm fucking well pissed off. Sorry if it's registering in my comments. Sorry.

Momentary Madness said...

"heres an idea lets just get stoned"
Now you're talking. Rock on Knudsen. You're a sound man.
Sincerely Y;-) Paddy

Old Knudsen said...

To be honest Sam I didn't notice any sign of furious rage, you're not going to hurt me are you?

I have rushed ahead to get a door for a woman pushing a pram a nod would be the right thing to do but I've been ignored like it was my job to open it.

Not wanting payment its like saying hello only to have them look away in silence I don't get it.

Old Knudsen said...

St Stephen was stoned so it must be ok.

ellie said...

if ya don't like it change the channel

I totally agree, even though there have been times when I have viewed your blog through half closed eyes. It is like a car crash, you know you are going to see something which can unsettle you but you can't help but look.

Keep on ranting!

savannah said...

a day without a knudsen rant is like a day without sunshine! rant on, sugar!

Kav said...

As those crazy stoned American might say, you rock. Stones and rocks, whatever, just keep doing it.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Da, this is by far, one of the best things you have written and one of the best things I have ever read!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, as always, you Ol' Bitter Bag!

Old Knudsen said...

ellie I try to shock unsettle and make people think why they think that way.

savannah well I have well over a year of them on archive maybe I'll put them in a daily rant book.

Kav you half brick too.

babsbitchin I just went off you know how it goes.

maven its you if I please or pissoff at least one person then i'm happy.

Megan McGurk said...

Hey, Old Knudsen just found this, missed it earlier today.
I wasn't asking for you to explain, censor, or justify yourself.
You don't make me angry. For some reason we feminists get slammed with the angry label a lot.
Next time, when I don't want to participate I'll just keep quiet.
Enjoy your birthday at any rate, Mr. Grumpy.

Fat Sparrow said...

Awww, you know I love you because of your lack of political correctness. Keep it up, heheheh.