George the Jack Russell gave his life in saving a group of children facing attack from 2 vicious pitbulls. The plucky little terrier put himself between the dogs and the children and, barking and charging the attackers until the pitbulls savaged him. I hate Pitbulls, talk about penis substitutes. I myself did own a Jack Russell, ever since my then wife was charged by it and she threw a poker at it and ran I loved the wee thing I called her "my baby", I swore I wasn't going to do this ::::Sobbing like a wee gurl::::::
His injuries were so bad George was later put down by a vet.
Mr Hudman aged 58 from Austin, Texas,a US Marine for 30 years and Vietnam vet is sending George's owner one of the 3 purple hearts he won is that the right word when he kept getting in the way of enemy fire, he described George as a little warrior. "Yes ma'am, he was a brave little doggy," Mr Hudman said as he tipped his 10 gallon hat and spat into a spitoon.
George's picture now graces the wall in the Hudmans' computer room, next to pictures of Cher and the Bush family.
"I was with the Ninth Marines" said Mr Hudman "I saw trees move" .
"When I read that story I just started crying and when I found out that poor George didn't make it that made me feel just so bad. But, of course, that's what he wanted to do for those children. I just wish he could have made it,"
Mr Alan Gay (yes his name is A Gay) who was George's owner described the gesture as amazing and was still being overwhelmed by messages, the one he got from me "gurn up and dry yer eyes ya wuss" has still not been answered.
The pitbulls that attacked George were destroyed .

Kiwi actor and lout Russell Crowe gave a comment from his bathtub by phone," Good on the fella, when you're called Russell you have to constantly prove yourself with fights and infidelity growing up on the streets of New Zealand its a dog eat dog and maybe the odd kid world out there, now listen as I turn my bath into a Jacuzzi ."
sending George's owner one of the 3 purple hearts he won is that the right word when he kept getting in the way of enemy fire
I needed this post you funny cunt. I just lost the end of my little toe when I stubbed the fucker against the door frame. Took it clean off. I enjoy pain. Pain is fun. Pain feels good.
bless your heart! now i AM laughing
Liking the photo - a lot. Man not Dog.
I love Jack Russels. I hate Russel Crowe.
I love having a bone in my mouth.
Mr Waring you will be awarded the purple knob.
savannah and it was more or less a clean post.
flirty something I also posted Daniel Craig in a bath, I see a pattern.
sassy I love them too, I may get one, a mean one.
MJ you're a bit of a dog then?
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