Bin Laden had his own TV show on Aljazeera called 'flip this infidel hoose' in which he would renovate hooses in major cities around the world that were close to military installations and after the reconnaissance sell them at a profit, my favourite part of it was the surprise secret tunnels and that episode in which the S.W.A.T. team led by Robert Urich shot the producer dead. Osama also had a chuckle at Lindsay Lohan and Amy Winehoose who he said were dirty infidel hoors who must be beheaded immediately, then he said Allah was love peace out.

God's representative on earth the Reverend Doctor Ian Tiberius Paisley, the first First minister of Northern Ireland has announced that for fear of a conflict of interest in his roles he will step doon as the moderator of the Free Presbyterian church. His duties were to break up fights and to close the bar at 11pm, and if you got too drunk he always made sure you got to yer car safely.
The Free Presbyterians will miss his moderations and voice of reason in this chaotic world where sin is in the hearts of every man woman and child and they shall all burn in a fiery pit of damnation unless they are Free Presbyterians of course.

When asked to comment Gerrie Antoinette said, "let the dirty Prods eat cake as long as its Fenian cake made by unwashed Fenian hands as is our way."

My niece started her new school this week, things went well and the teachers have been offering extra tuition if she needs it a very accommodating bunch of people.
I'd like to join the Knudsen Nation and hook my blog in with yours. Long time reader of Old BB.
MJ when I break yer will of steel and prod you for real you'll know about it.
solopoesie you really like sundays don't you?
first nations I've heard that those arabs really know their tongue 'n' grooves.
The Man I'm going to guess yer the submariner, due to suspicious people and spammers etc I would like a little foreplay before you enter the nation, how about you do 101 random facts about yerself and kill 3 people of my choice, ok the killing will cum later. I've always wondered who the man was.
I would like to vote First Nations OUT of the Knudsen Nation.
And Eddie Waring too.
I'm sick of the whole thing I've recieved 3 e-mails from First Nations trying to get you booted out and 12 from Mr Waring containing pictures of his arse, he really needs to get out more.
The Knudsen Nation without me would be like The Beatles without John. I am the sausage in your sandwich, the cream in your sticky bun. Without me The Knudsen Nation would be only slightly more amusing than Wales.
You need more people like me.
thats some niece you got there..lol
She is a nice gurl, the spitting image of my last niece before they deported her.
I really must tell you about the Christmas booking I got the other day. We shall have to use secure lines though and kill the messenger after though. It really will make you laugh/throw up....
So good to see the niece again my friend. If she needs anything let me know.
manuel patch me through on a secure channel.
eugene I do believe the tape, not sure if I believe in Bin Laden. I don't fall for Boogeymen.
rich yer so giving.
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