Many of the needles have gone into Luo's vital organs like her lungs, liver, bladder and kidneys and removal will be a real risk. She has suffered depression and insomnia for years and cannot do any hard physical labour. her boyfriend just assumed that weemen's vaginas had teeth, being a chink his small willy felt like a cocktail sausage on a cocktail stick.
The Grandparents were not available for comment as they died years back.

I went to the doctor guess what he told me, ok then don't I had really bad headaches, blurred vision and painful 4 hour erections so I went in to see if they could do something about my headaches and vision. You get what you pay for right? bloody NHS doctors that could hardly speak English and kept bursting out laughing, they said I had a big thing sticking out, well I wasn't going to take that kind of smutty talk about my manhood so I left, on top of all of that I'm having a bad hair day and me cap isn't sitting right.
You don't need an X-ray to work out what this lassie's problem is, fucking product placement thats what, it gets everywhere.
You have a call coming in.
Thanks a lot! I'm having surgery in a couple of hours and those images will be dancing in my head as the dark cloak of anesthesia descends upon me.
I was all into this post, intrigued as to where you were leading, then, BAM! My eyes were assaulted. Crap Knudsie, give a girl a warning. Off to get the eye and brain bleach. bleh.
23 Needles
What a smashing name for me new band.
Or me next film.
Fluck, as the fishermen saied.
Vagina dentata is seemingly of oriental origin, but this finnish idea of market-penetrating went a little too far I think.
I guess Hammett once used the image of "bullet-holes" for "eyes" ("Augen wie Einschusslöcher") but never for ass-holes.
In India they now and than scrap the remains of killed female-newborns from the drains, but just when the water gets too high ... Interesting question arises whether people should know what sex their child will have, what illnesses, what possible damage, to seperate "wertes" and "unwertes" Leben.
That last picture reminds me of throwing hot dogs down hallways...
That thing looks not unlike a Japanese battle flag.
I've had sex with that last woman and I was like a bee in a jar.
See, when I saw that last picture, I thought, "Phone sex in the literal sense." And God damn it, she needs her corn hold retreaded like a tire on a semi/18 wheeler!
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