Rosa Parks was from Scots/Irish descent which means she wasn't just uppity she was stubborn too.
In 2002 President George W Bush announced he was going to give the nation's highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom to pop culture icon Nelson Mandela. Old nelly was happy enough to accept it then 6 months later he said:
In 2002 President George W Bush announced he was going to give the nation's highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom to pop culture icon Nelson Mandela. Old nelly was happy enough to accept it then 6 months later he said:
"A power with a president who has no foresight and cannot think properly is now wanting to plunge the world into a holocaust he called President Bush arrogant and shortsighted and implied that he was a racist. He continued, "If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care for human beings."
Fair enough but a little ungrateful don't ya think? I mean I turned doon the French Croix de Guerre because I think the french are all cunts and I'm a card carrying fucking hypocrite. He also slagged off the US for dropping nukes on Japan, what would he have done? talking to those fanatics didn't work.
Mandela had just turned 85 and celebrated with a gala dinner in Johannesburg with people like Oprah, Bono, Streisand, De Niro, Tutu and Richard fucking Branson.
It seems to me people kind of gloss over everything and just think of Mandela as the kindly old good guy who has had it rough with 27 years of prison but still managed to over throw the evil Apartheid with the aid of trendy pop singers and T-shirts.
His hero was Gandhi, yep another womanising arsehole that's been all shined up to look godlike. Mandela tried the non-violent approach at first but said screw that for a lark.
Hes had 3 marriages and as a newly qualified lawyer he was a big spending ladies man, he even fancied himself as a professional boxer and the ANC (African National Congress) was relieved when he was sent to prison instead.
Mandela was the head of the ANC's terrorist arm 'MK' or Spear of the nation and was convicted of terrorism in 1963 which he freely admitted.
When economic sanctions and an oil embargo brought the end of Apartheid he was released in 1990 and he continued with MK waging terrorist attacks with arson, political murder and robberies.
He stated, "It was always my view that the armed liberation struggle is based on and grows out of mass political struggle fought by the oppressed." He called for the total defeat of "the white minority."
In 1993 Mandela and De Klerk won the Nobel peace prize, I'm not too impressed as its named after the inventor of dynamite.
Mandela and the ANC may of had close ties to Soviet Russia, Cuba, Libya, Iran, North Korea and the Palestinians but worse still he was friends with the trendy Clintons, Hilary described him as a "gift to humanity." In her book 'Living history' she compared forgiving dirty dick Bill to Mandela forgiving his white jailers, "if Mandela could forgive, I would try." Fuck shes a silly bitch, I'd do her but really she'd do anything for politics. I suppose she gets more campaign funds with Bill than without him.
As the head of MK Mandela has admitted to killing civilians and violating human rights, he quickly dumped Winnie when she started killing 14 year old boys so that shit wouldn't stick to his new laundered image.
Now there is a statue up in London near by that other great hero Oliver Cromwell, go on ask the Irish how great Cromwell is . When Mandela retired he then decided to start championing aids/HIV a thing he had neglected while he was in power,his son died of aids in 2005, other trendy causes he missed on are support of the African diamond industry woops! he loves dem diamonds and the last time he said anything in public about Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe was in 2000, hes been strangely quiet about it all.

Someone will ask if I'm serious about this post and another will say what a great man he is, to answer yes I am and no hes a lucky man, a true politician . Hes like a Kennedy he changes direction with the wind, I just don't like him and I'm usually spot on when I get that feeling about people, theres no law to say I have to like him cos everyone else does. Do not mistake majority for truth .
I'm not a sheep or hype believer I just think its fascinating the way things work out, no shit has stuck to this guy at all, hes a fucking saint. Is it because Apartheid is trendy and seen to be so bad? the poor black people standing up against the Nazi like whites? was it because his MK group didn't have to go all the way with violence before the whites backed doon? who is next for a statue, Gerry Adams or Osama Bin Laden?
No I don't think I am, just opinionated.
All of a sudden we have all of these Monday morning quarterbacks coming out of the woodwork to critisize Truman and the bomb dropped on Japan. Those who forget the true history will live to regret it.
As far as Nelson is concerned, he has to talk a big story because it's now fashionable to bash the US, so he's just taking his turn.
Ew! Look at the closet lez Winnie trying to cop a feel of some old lady baps!
Rich Truman was crooked and did like the Nazis but thats neither here nor there it was the right choice to make with japan, just like the bombing of dresden.
Xul they look like two people trying to force an old woman out of her savings.
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