Conan Drumm asks:
Dear Knudie
I was in Enniskillen t'other day and spotted something flying from a flagpole that your room should not be without. An Israeli flag!
You may wish to expound on this strange aspect or Norniron culture...
Indeed I shall, my dear friend Manuel may have some other reason but don't listen to him he drinks quite a bit so I hear.
The Orange Order me of the definition of war, "Old men get angry and young men die." The Orange order is a protestant society that stared in 1795 near the village of Loughgall. There was The 'Battle of the Diamond' that took place there, more like a skirmish between a Catholic group known as the 'Defenders' and a Protestant militia, the 'Peep O Day Boys.' The battle lasted only 15 minutes and ended in tragedy, the pub was burnt doon, I'm getting teared up just thinking about it.
Dan Winter who owned the pub and two friends James Wilson and James Sloan, formed the Orange institution which was a secret society made up solely of fine Protestant men. James Sloan also had a pub and that's where they would meet, sounds like a dream cum true for me.

The Orange order supports the Monarchy of England and is Unionist which means they support the union between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
Today the order has tens of thousands of members in Ireland, Britain, America, and throughout the British Commonwealth especially in Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

The Freemason ties in the order are very strong and intertwined, the symbolism and the Zionist views backed up by crazy assed mythology as wacky as any Mormon could cum up with, and these men are wealthy, respected and influential though over the past few years there has been a decline in leadership and the spiritual side of the order.
You know why there is an Israeli state right? Britain started to set it up after the first World War and in 1947 with the help of the UN they split up Palestine and moved the Jews in who then bashed a few Arabs and the state of Israel was born in 1948.
Why were the Jews not given a chunk of Germany? why invade Palestine? the Jews couldn't hold on to it over the past few thousand years so why give them it now to lose? because its believed but the followers of British Israelism, The Orange order and Freemasons etc that Jesus will only be able to return if the city of Jerusalem is in the hands of the Jews.
Wacky shit to base geo politics on isn't it? no wonder the middle east is so fucked up, they got religion and religion got them.
The Orange order believe that the Celts and Anglo-Saxons etc are from the lost 10 tribes of Israel and that Orangemen (through their lodge membership) are of the tribe of Levi, this isn't just yer average tribe now, the tribe of Levi are a tribe of high up priests.

The flags that have the star of David usually have it to represent the Israelite connection and a crown to show their allegiance to the Queen, a six sided star is also said to represent the six counties of Northern Ireland. Or alternatively the marrying of Queen Teia Tephi from the hoose of David and King Eochaidh who was from Judah/Zarah of the "Red-Hand" the crown representing the royal line.
The Ulster Unionists often fly the Israeli flag in their dispute over the land with the Catholic nationalists in Ireland as they feel a kinship to the persecuted Jews of the ten tribes.

It goes a long way to explain why the West is so keen on having the Jews in Israel as it seems to piss off the rest of the world and causes nothing but trouble.
Freemason symbols pop up all over the place and I'm just waiting for a Protestant Da Vinci code type film to be made as yer more likely to have an uncle in the Masons than in Opus dei. In the 1970's in Northern Ireland the Royal Ulster Constabulary were riddled with Masons, it was almost a job requirement and was quite an attractive society to be a part of as they looked after their own, if you were caught speeding or caught petrol bombing a Catholics hoose all you had to do was roll up yer trouser leg and do the secret hand shake and the police would see you home safely.

No only can he not spell Sheriff but look at that symbol on his door, this Yank pig will beat you with his big hard night stick unless you know the handshake or the secret blowjob.
Those of southern Ireland are descended from Judah's brother Dan, the fifth of Jacob's sons and were known as the Tuatha de Danaan - the Tribe of Dan, none of that pagan Danu crap if you don't mind and if you look under the hill of Tara/Torah you'll find the Ark of the Covenant .
:) I'm glad you got the Simpsons in there.
I think you can simplify it down to a case of 'The enemy of my enemy's friend is my friend' - ie since the provos were/are pally with palestinians the loyalists felt they should show support for Israel.
The future's shite …
But this post is a piece of sheer genius, Old. K.
I salute you.
blah blah blah. Strange no mention of THE UDA'S old chums COMBAT18. That would be combat 18 named in honour of Mr A Hitler. That would be C18 who are quite against all things Jewish and such like.
Conan let me answer with something a little more closer to the truth. Your question as I saw it was "why are they flying an Israeli flag?"
Forget that it's an Israeli flag, that's immaterial. One community in Northern Ireland had a particular fondness for cats so they hoisted up flags in support of cats and painted murals for cats and had marches for cats.
The other community wasn't having it and in a childish reaction to this cat flag waving decided to fly flags in support of dogs. Now this was unusual as they had never really shown an interest in dogs before. In fact some people in that community really didn't like dogs and their friends don't like dogs either. Some of their friends asked them to take these flags down.
If one says yes to something the other will always say no. One side drinks Tennents beer the other drinks harp. It's all so fucking tragic.
It's all a load of bollocks and very childish. Honestly if one side likes something the other will be against it. Look at academic selection for primary school children. Catholics are for the scrapping the 11+ Protestants are against it. And on it goes. I like both cats and dogs by the way and wish they could just get on. A two pet state is the best solution...
Why does anyone need a 14-incher?
Holy Moses, who woulda thunk it. It's all tied together, right before your eyes.
Dang - here I was thinking your blog was going to be about all the orange in the new fall fashions - you should see the new orange argyle sweater I just bought!
Hmmmmm. Do you suppose J Crew is run by the Masons?
And I thought I was deep.
Jesus! The taigs were flying Palestinian flags for donkeys years and the Prods reacted to it with Israeli flags. Tit for tat. Or just tit for tit if you ask me....
I want the truth. let's ask George W. This all rather deep for a simple Canadian. What about the mormons?
George W is a puppet and skull and bones member (as is Kerry) both plugged into the secret old boys network, the Mormons are nuts.
Excellent post, Old Knudsen.
Don't forget that the Orange Order doesn't accept women as members.
I've always wondered what the 3 drops of blood under the Red Hand on the flag symbolized. Any idea?
Deep? My sweater is FABULOUS. :-)
Hey, my ancestors ran the Mormons out of Nauvoo, Illinois - doesn't that count for anything?
medbh the weemen have their own orange order.The drops of blood could represent the trinity as an easy answer but it also symbolises cutting of the hand to take an oath to god as they all did. I prefer the throwing the severed hand to win the race story, as you can see not every flag has the blood, I bet its a prod/zionist thing.
adjil is it tight? I love religious oppressors, I myself have oppressed the Catholics for years, Mormons seem like more fun to oppress.
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