Virgin travel insurance did a report and found that many of the world's most famous tourist attractions were a bit of an anticlimax for the travelers. Well what can you expect when virgins go traveling multiple orgasms?
The Eiffel Tower was at the top of the list followed by the Louvre which I am assured is not a posh way to say toilet , at number three was Times Square. The most disappointing in the UK was Stonehenge, the Angel of the North and the Blackpool Tower.
Also on the list was the Pyramids and the princess Diana Memorial Fountain. The crowds and the hawkers were the main reason for disappointment for tourists.
What are people expecting? you go to these places because they are world famous and to give you bragging rights that you actually did something in yer boring life and everyone else has had the same idea so expect crowds and twats trying to sell you stuff .
How could you be disappointed with Stonehenge? its exactly as it says it is on the tin, a bunch of big stones in a henge.
You'd have to be some kind of Princess Di nut to want to look at a fountain and is she in the cement or something? to me she was like a candle in the wind, she was lovely wasn't she? as for Times Square what do you expect to happen there some sailor rushing up to snog you for a photograph ? if you go to Egypt for the Pyramids then fine but don't expect to see much else of ancient Egypt, you need to go to a British museum if you want to see good Egyptian stuff and theres less chance of being shot.
I can see the Eiffel and Blackpool towers being boring as fuck as would the Louvre be, it used to hold the holy grail but since the Da Vinci code film its been moved to Area 52 (more secret than Area 51) the Angel of the North is nothing than a big statue you drive past so you can remark on what a waste of money it was and what is it the Angel of Death? its hideous.
I can see the Eiffel and Blackpool towers being boring as fuck as would the Louvre be, it used to hold the holy grail but since the Da Vinci code film its been moved to Area 52 (more secret than Area 51) the Angel of the North is nothing than a big statue you drive past so you can remark on what a waste of money it was and what is it the Angel of Death? its hideous.

I'm more of a castle man myself and they don't need to be famous, I'm quite happy to climb up whats left of an old motte and bailey , that's two man-made hills, the motte with a small wooden fort on top and the bailey with a stockade for the animals in it joined by a small bridge that can be pulled in if attacked.
These forts popped up a lot from 1066 onwards in Britain after the Norman conquest and are doted around the UK, now they are just grassy hills in the middle of a town. I like to feel the history and to look out upon the same sights (even if they have changed) that the people who lived in the castles looked at.

Once while in France in the town of La Charite I found a ruined medieval guard tower with part of the town wall still standing so I climbed up into it. There was an alcove with a stone bench with a circle cut out that hung out over the wall, a toilet in other words er sorry latrine to you frogs. No one was about so I sat on it and crapped into history, the silly buggers had ran out of toilet paper so I did as the Frenchies did and didn't bother to clean myself.
Louis 13th of France was nine years old when he was made king in 1223 so no fucker was ever going to tell him to eat his greens again (especially not sprouts from Brussels) he only ever had 5 baths in his lifetime and they were all unwilling he lived to the age of 41.
Worse still was his son Louis 14th who got the throne aged five and only had 2 baths in his lifetime that lasted 76 years .
Those dirty French buggers, I take a bath for my birthday and Christmas whether I need it or not and thats a lot of them so far. I wash me parts with a hand cloth if I think I'll get lucky with the weemen, we Brits have standards you know.
I remember when I was at school (many moons ago!) going on a trip to see Maiden Castle (cue lots of naughty comments from Mr K!). My teenage brain envisaged romantic ramparts, drawbridges etc etc and what was it? A gentle hill with a narrow ditch all round it, that's what! Castle, my arse!
"Motte and Bailey" ought to be the title of a roommates sitcom.
Motte would be the tall looker who gets into scrapes; Bailey would be the good cook who rallies everyone together to solve the Motte-generated problem within the 22-minute timeframe.
You needn't bother with the hand cloth washing if you just carry a couple of Wet Wipes in your wallet.
around the table not as funny as maiden head::snickers::::
dai yer a nasty person must be Welsh.
Samd or a vaudeville act telling jokes and singing, rum diddly um dum.
MJ where would I keep all my money? I don't wash that religiously some weemen like it dirty isn't that right MJ?
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