Tomorrow is my old Ma's birthday and the anniversary for the Omagh bombing but who gives a shit because today is my blog birthday. One year old. At The Start I sat and looked at my blog for 2 days before I posted because I said, "what the fuck do I want a blog for?" well it so happened that the blogosphere really needed me and so here I am.
If you want to read my first proper post on Fat Sparrow's blog then go HERE if you don't then fuck off back to yer Alpine gardening you corn farmer.
Its been an interesting year of blogging, I've entertained, pissed off and broke a few hearts along the way, a few of my original readers still come around and I've got a ton of new ones all bright and shiny like I once was. Thankyou all for reading and I hope I don't waste yer time too much with shite posts and dirty pictures.

Speaking of which they say money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you this lass. I managed to track doon my niece after they deported her, well I think its my niece as they all tend to look the same to me, what am I bid? do I hear £2000 ?
Ok I actually do give a fuck about my Ma's birthday and the Omagh bombing, two occasions I'll never forget.
Congratulations, I always knew you would make it.
Y;-) Paddy
Happy Blogversary. Looking forward to the next year of filth.
Happy Birthday, you festering old bastard!
Thank you for a splendid and splenetic year of curmudgeonly rage and splattery toss.
It's so good to see your niece back again. I bid two grand (Monopoly money) and a spice rack.
Happy Birthday Old Nudsen. Wasn't sure you were gonna make it, I mean your really old right? Well, ya did! I look forward to another year of reading your dirty old man blog!
Congrats, keep it up etc. I'll give you a £10 for your niece which, in euro is about 2000. Bloody exchange rate.
Happy Birthday to your blog, Old Knudsen...it certainly wouldn't be the same around here without you.
Happy Blog-Bday OldK. If you were closer I would give you a rectal exam on this special occasion as I know how you love them.
paddy you liar.
manuel A real man only cries after sex, Its ulsterman you cont.
ellie filth on its way.
dive tempting, it is a nice spice rack.
fat sparrow Hitler was more considerate than you.
Ms Pool I have warts that remember reading Dickens for the first time when it came out and saying, "this is shite."
anthony nice try, Euro isn't money that just sounds daft.
portia My passion keeps the blogosphere alive, I would miss me too.
Happy birthday, Old Knudson. Stop selling humans.
Well Old Knudsen, one year.
We deserve you.
I can't remember what you said but this your best post yet 'cause it's got a hot Asian chick.
mago no one deserves me but they do need me.
nokia still pretending to be straight I see.
Hey old man it's been nice having you around the last year. You have a way of growing on people.
You do look rather gay in that photo
It's strange to think about you blogging for only one year. I've only been reading for about 3 months, and I never really thought about it, but I guess I always sort of imagined that you had been blogging since Moses pulled that trick with the Red Sea.
Happy Birthday, Knudsen's Blog.
Your piss tastes like mead.
Another round please.
And cheers to your blog birthday.
I always need a shower when I leave here.
Rich in yer dreams I look ghey, hows life on the doon low?
captain Smack I have posted enough for 3 years I've been about in other forms other than blogging.
MJ I wasn't going to say anything but you also need a shower before you cum here.
Happy Blog Birthday Old K.
The world of a chinese libraian will never again be the same, but your a great diversion from boring course work.
Lets hope it opened her eyes a bit. hahahaha.
Oddly enough, it is my blogoversary too. Congrats but I knew you would.Good shit is good shit, no matter how they try to smear it.
It took me a minute but I found you through Rob. I stalked and latched on and I'm now a better person for it. A chip off the ol block, call me Babz the Brabbler.
If Prudence gives you the Rectal Exam, I want to have a full look at your face, when she does it. Will he smile or will he cringe?
On this photograph you look even more like Bob Geldof after worm-treatment ...
Happy blonkday Knudsey. Just read your Omagh piece, very moving. So you CAN punctuate after all. Blonk of the week.
Mrs cecrux gratis? sounds spanish for free.
babz the brabbler little did i know what you finding me would entail, now sit up straight and eat yer greens.
willowtree its all about me.
annie Blonk of the week? its an honour considering the post.
babz I'll smile all the way through it.
Knudsen, I'm in an extremely bad mood but, as always, you've given meaning to my world. Happy wotsit.
I'd give ya more than that if it wasn't for me clap.
By all means, waste my time with nude pictures :)
Happy Belated Birthday. Not that it means anything now.....
Sorry to be late to the party. Happy Blogiversary, Old Knudsen, and many happy returns and posts in the year to come.
xmichra ok then.
eddie waring nope not a thing.
medbh thankyou I shall continue with the same quality you'll be glad to hear.
I'm eating me spinach Da!
Smile, huh? They come near me with near a finger and somebody's getting their feelings hurt. I don't understand those people who'll put a whole fist or bat or mule train up their arse and act like it's the best thing, since sliced bread. Hell no. But I will watch, hahaha!!
Well I didn't waste my time responding to the congratulations you never sent that I didn't post so who is the fool now Mr Eater?
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