To remind you all what a celebrity hoor I am I want to give two actors a wake up shout.
Keira Knightly its true I don't think much of yer acting and yer voice and chavette chin wobble gets to me something bad. Yer a beautiful gurl, not hot nor sexy but beautiful but you need to eat something and keep it doon (and I don't mean doon the toilet) get some meat on those bones of yers you look like an albino Ethiopian.
I like Owen Wilson hes funny cunt and enjoyable to watch. Two months ago he broke up with Kate Hudson and is still whining about it, move on lad she has, get out there and shag a different bird every night, when ya fall off the horse you get back on it and besides Hudson isn't anything special you can do better.

Dead right- rock on. Hell of a lot more fish in the sea which he would appear to be looking for at the still moment with no knickers on.
Y;-) Paddy
You've got to pity him, he's got no langer. Look at the shadow, where is it?
As for Keira, it's plain to see the film business is sucking the life out of her.
I suppose Keira Kingly looks ok, in a well dressed zombie sort of way. I don't think Owen really tried to yop himself, I just think he was so drunk that he injured himself trying to put his watch on.
Affairs of the heart, who would have thought you could give such advice. It's like Dear Deirdre but not as ugly or made up....
paddy no fish mate he should get some weemen instead.
connan drumm I can see in his shadow its massive and erect, thats not his arm you know.
willowtree those razor watches are very popular right now, they look dangerous to me.
manuel my blog is always open, except when I'm not here.
Poor Wilson. :( I hope both skelator and he get better soon. It's not easy getting everything you want all the time. It makes you act a fool when you don't get your way.
They would say something like "you don't understand the pressure."
I think Owen wanted to use Kate to get to her mother. It's not so far fetched is it?
He broke up with Hudson in December. I think this is an OD that they are trying to pass off as a suicide attempt so he gets sympathy rather than get lumped with junkies in rehab who can't get insured for a film production.
Speaking of suicide, go read my post;
Suicidal Tendencies
I think you'll laugh, Da!
GT have you seen her ma recently? it would be something to brag about though.
medbh yer so cynical.
DBS I did,I'd blow my nose off for a post weres yer commitment?
rich you bimbo.
Damn, well you go first, I'll follow yer lead. Let's dance!
He needs to smoke pot w/ me.
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