In Saint Louis , Senegal one of the more stable African nations 19 year old Patrick Devine was arrested for mooning the home of the Senegalese governor something he did as a dare from a friend.
Its been a bad week for young Paddy, he got Chicken pox and had to have part of his small toe amputated due to infection. Now I'm no Doctor (I just play one on TV) but should this walking disaster be up and about? hes from County Donegal and I'm not saying hes a dumb shite because hes Irish and going by the name probably Catholic but its not going to help him is it now? The fella is disadvantaged and maybe a little slow.
The lad is 19 and who hasn't gone to another cuntry at that age and disrespected the government openly in the street deifying their harsh laws and rat infested prisons? Its not like hes beheading foreign aid workers or something.
What was he doing there? you may well ask, he cums from that den of trouble makers known as Queen's University in Belfast and was working in Senegal on a Teaching & Projects Abroad (TPA) programme.
Does that mean he aspires to becoming a teacher? lets hope not, but lets hope he has learned something from the programme or at least from his 50 horny cell mates.
The Irish dept for foreign affairs is working towards his release. Paddy 'O' Furniture from the embassy in Abuja, Nigeria said, "Ah sure it was all just a bit of craic to be sure, I'm sorry the governor's staff were blinded by the whiteness of an Irishman's arse ."

The boy is a Playa. Have I mentioned today how much students piss me off?
Check out Patrick's Bebo site and the various comments on what a "legend" he is, this lad is meant for greatness alright, with 94% of the population Muslim I'm sure they'll see the funny side of it all, maybe they'll just cut a hand off or something it'll help build his character, ach ya can't send the Irish anywhere without them causing an international incident, suck it up Senegal and let the lad go, fame awaits him.
On lookers said that Patrick's bum was indeed Devine.
manuel and don't you forget it.
eddie waring Irish,Scottish and man eating badgers are my turf, you get black pudding and Sporty spice.
I won't bother with Waring's version.
It could only pale in comparison.
Now, see, this is why having tits gives you a free pass. If he was a girl and got his tits out he would never have been arrested, and he might even have gotten beads. I don't blame them for arresting him; no one wants to see some scrawny wigga's pimply arse.
This tit will no doubt be appearing on chat shows now. If yer gonna act immature never get caught, he failed.
Yes indeed. Yet another proud contribution to the international reputation of the Irish.
Go drown yer sorrows with a Guinness or 10.
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