Nazis are evil but nazi lemurs are worse.
Today is Wednesday or in Old English 'Wēdnes dæg ' which means its the day for the Germanic God Woden, Odin or Wotan, whatever you want to call him hes got about 200 names.
Therefore I deem this day dedicated to Hitler, wheres the connection? well theres Odinism which is a form of paganism which is strongly intertwined with Nazis , hate crimes and White supremacists in general . In other words underachieving white people who can only feel good about themselves by putting others doon while living in some special world where they are magical because of the colour of their skin.
Therefore I deem this day dedicated to Hitler, wheres the connection? well theres Odinism which is a form of paganism which is strongly intertwined with Nazis , hate crimes and White supremacists in general . In other words underachieving white people who can only feel good about themselves by putting others doon while living in some special world where they are magical because of the colour of their skin.
There is even a facebook type thing for the idot white supremacists called '' "An Online Community for Whites by Whites."
Hitler fascinates me, don't get me wrong I don't revere him it just amazes me that an ugly little twat with funny hair and a funny moustache could have become so much, he went on to become the boogeyman of the 20 th and even the 21st century. When someone wants to shock or insult someone they compare them to Hitler. I see Bush compared to Hitler all the time and sure you could make that comparison stick with a great stretch of imagination but it fails on the fact that Hitler was a war hero and had actually been to war.
Here is some Hitler trivia you may or may not know.
Hitler fascinates me, don't get me wrong I don't revere him it just amazes me that an ugly little twat with funny hair and a funny moustache could have become so much, he went on to become the boogeyman of the 20 th and even the 21st century. When someone wants to shock or insult someone they compare them to Hitler. I see Bush compared to Hitler all the time and sure you could make that comparison stick with a great stretch of imagination but it fails on the fact that Hitler was a war hero and had actually been to war.
Here is some Hitler trivia you may or may not know.

Adolf Hitler was fascinated by hands. In his library there was a well-thumbed book containing pictures and drawings of hands belonging to famous people throughout history. He liked particularly to show his guests how closely his own hands resembled those of Frederick the Great, one of his heroes. I have Woody Allen's penis.
The New York phone book had 22 Hitlers before WWII. The New York phone book had zero Hitlers after WWII
Adolf Hitler kept a framed photograph of Henry Ford on his desk and Ford kept one of Hitler on his desk in Dearborn, Michigan. Hitler had used in 'Mein Kampf' some of Fords anti-semitic views, and he always welcomed Ford's contributions to the Nazi movement.

Adolf Hitler was a teetotaller, vegetarian and non-smoker. which explains nicely the genocide and drug addiction, you have to have some vices.

I don't like racism or sectarianism that doesn't mean I can't take the piss out of them. Its true I hate most people but that's because they are all cunts, not for what they are though I may use racial slurs for a reaction . I also dislike double standards extremely stupid political correctness. The following is written by some Yank who may or may not be a racist but I think they do have a point.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You Call me "White boy," "Cracker," "Honkey,"Whitey," "Caveman"and that's OK. But if I were to call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink would call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why is it that the most dangerous places to liveare in your own neighborhoods?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to "advance" OUR lives .we'd be racists.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships.... you know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US , yet if there were"White colleges" THAT would be a racist college.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But if we were to announce our white pride, you would call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society you call him a racist.
I am proud to be white but, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
My hands are identical to Eddie Van Halen's. Sometimes it kind of creeps me out, especially when I'm jerking off.
Am I blocked
"I am proud to be white but, you call me a racist."
Not having that. You can be proud to be an electrician or a sailor or a Man Utd fan. You can be proud of your achievements and daily victories over adversity. You can be proud of your Nationality or religion but being proud of your skin colour is like being proud to have hands or ginger hair. What fucking twaddle.
There was a time when such organisations were required, to even out the imbalances between blacks and whites. It was the same in Northern Ireland as well. We had Fair Employment laws to correct the imbalance in the work force. But as those imbalances have been corrected the FEC has become less of a factor. That's progress.
Good post.
I particularly liked the "Scissors/Paper" photo.
(Oh and don't bother giving back Woody Allen's penis; he hasn't known what to do with it for years.)
i'm going to have to agree with you on this one.
yes, we've reached that line in the dirt. you've been brushing your teeth using the haemerrhoid cream again haven't you.
captain smack but still you manage to jerk off, I don't think it creeps you out as much as you claim.
niall those in power are becoming so PC because they don't live in the real world so they enable the racism, coloured people are getting to the top more now, remember when golf and tennis was all white? not to mention sexy condie.
willowtree they would compare them with the invasions and overriding democracy, pretty lame but knee jerk lefties (like knee jerk righties) don't think too much.
harry kunt I'm more of a Himmler fan, that man is sex on a stick.
connan drumm Is jesus not a Middle eastern Jew? the evolution and traveling of deities and religion is a big subject, Odin has many names and is worshipped many in many places. I don't like affirmative action, if society was right in the first place you wouldn't need it.
manuel the catholics were the blacks and the prejudice is what started the whole troubles, white on white is something most foreigners don't understand.
samd I also have my fathers eyes. that picture and the orange juice were sent to me by readers, better than some of the pics I get.
rich thats all you have to say? you're such a bimbo sometimes.
mrs Cecrux pure white only exists in their heads considering that white is an anomaly and we all started out black, we'll all end up brown eventually and whites will be extinct.
inner voices There goes my credibility. Who am I kidding like I had any.
first nations I just want everyone to start acting the white man HA!
A racist is a racist - no matter what color his skin is.
This "orange Jew"-Plakat is the most distasteful thing I ever saw on your website.
To describe Himmler as "sex on a stik" is - to put it mildly - krank.
You can kick on any people you want, as long as they have a chance to kick back. Mentally retarded have no change. I do not know whether I get you right, but if you are insinuating that people should be killed for being mentally ill, if that is what you mean and advocate, than I will call you a Fascist.
We had it here in Germany, it was called "die Vernichtung unwerten Lebens". Your revered Adolf and sexy Heinrich organized that.
By the way it was a catholic bishop, Herr von Galen, who had the balls to name murder murder and to call christians to fight a murderous state.
I am not sure whether you are a Fascist or not.
I'd comment, but I don't want to be called racist. Actually, I think that guy sounds angry and making it sound okay when in reality its white month 11 times a year. Its white history taught in schools. There have been white universities that made it very hard to be accepted as a black student. There is a lot of history here in the US that failed to help black citizens advance in any way. Its not like when the Irish, Italian or Russians came and a generation or two had to scrounge before they made it, as a black, brown, yellow, orange, striped, or whatever, you stand out. You are automatically judged generation after generation. Growing up in Virginia (The South) there were race fights in the schools all the time. It was retarded, the crap that was carried over from the time of the Civil war, that stupid kids learned from their parents and brought it to the schools.
Damn, I didn't think I was going to say much. oops. I did. I'll be getting off my soapbox now.
Yeah. I cud kiss you, thats egg zactly me; I appreciate your wordness as you can put it in so many words to explain this as I cannot.
You have a lovely whey whid whords.
Mago said "a racist is a racist"
Well, I havent even got a racing car. So that fucks that pre-conception up.
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