And a tube of KY please.

Police are looking for a man in connection with a drowning off the Country Antrim coast . The man is about 5ft 9ins tall, slim to medium build, short dark hair at the sides which is longer on the top, hes in his late teens to early 20's with bad skin and yellowish teeth , so ladies if you happen to check this hunk of lovin out call the peelers they want to talk to him.
The man wore a scuffy black coat and spoke with a Belfast accent.
Old Knudsen being one to help the police put the mans description parameters into my search engine database to see if I could get a better idea of what this person of interest looks like
The usual suspects

Or he may look like this (according to my search results) keep yer eyes peeled people he looks dangerous.
Tag! and you better fuckin do it.
Gimpmaster now I see...
and with a description like that the peelers could lift half the town
i don't recall you saying the person had dark skin....oh did say 'bad skin'..same thing right?
There are no dark skinned people off the coast of Antrim, this is what the computer gave me for the description.
I don't care what colour anyone is, I hate everyone.
Hey I don't care either about color....otherwise i wouldn't be married to Paul...but seriously everyone? surely not
I haven't been that close to notice, I didn't see a black person in real life until my late teens.
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