They always insist that I help them shower, you know me I never want to offend by saying no incase its a cultural thing. Brazil has the highest murder rate in the world it also has weemen with big bubble butts, I love that cuntry.

Then I flew up over to L.A. and boy are my arms tired, sorry an old aeroplane joke there. I took my L.A. fuck buddy Jennifer out on the town there was a bit of a scene with an insanely jealous Eddie Waring but after I promised him a slow dance at the end of the night he calmed doon.

Then I went up to the state of Washington because I've always wanted to see the Whitehoose and what they have done with it since I set fire to the place in 1812 and that big statue of Lincoln but it seems they moved all of that, I didn't even get to see Mount Rushmore. I did see my good old friend First Nations, shes been gaging to get me in her bed for a long time read this account of my stay with her .

I called at MJ's hoose but no one answered so as usual if its someone I know I'll break in but then I saw her a little busy in the picture above teaching a fellow blogger some HTML moves.
Ah fuck it I got the next plane home just in time to answer the phone from my parole officer.
Americans and their lack of geography.
I saw you peering through the window but the hell if I was going to let you in.
Do you know how hard it is to get spunk out of chenille?
I prefer the sound of the word "snuck". I know that "sneaked" is correct and that "snuck" is a fairly new bastardization but I just prefer the way it sounds. Like hung and hanged.
The letter K is not an evil letter it is just misunderstood. I like dirty pillows. Sssshhhhow me your dirty pillows.
MJ thats very rude, shame on you, maybe I should get my own key.
nokia I've snucked a lot in my time. My dirty pillows are in the wash.
You'd best return that key to the locksmith and get a refund.
It's too big for my keyhole.
0'er missus.
Love that bit with Weekend at Fidel's! Oh shit, I wish I had Photoshop!!!
I wish I had the weemens brazilian football team.
I thought Eddie Waring was dead? It was a knockout wasn't it? Or was an up and under that did it?
Don't grandstand on my blog with a question of sport.
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