Being a man I get excluded from weemen's issues by weemen probably because its a man's world baby and men are obviously clueless and the enemy. I really don't mine getting excluded from boring talk about what bargains you found in the sales or the intricate details of yer period but I do have an opinion on abortion.
For many years I was a cold blooded killer a non-caring lack of empathy cunt , well I was still a decent person I just didn't want to care or commit, I was flippant and didn't care for anyone not even myself due to the dangerous environment I lived in, it was a coping mechanism.
Over the years I've been allowed to find and be who I am, battling depression and the odd nervous breakdoon has forced me acknowledge my own feelings, I saw there was great strength to be found in compassion, don't get me wrong I'm no wussy silky boy if someone needs killed I can go cold as ice and get the job done, I just don't like to now.
I'm a gardener, a nurturer I've grown trees from seeds my plants are like my children. I help them grow and take pleasure when they thrive, I see seeds as opportunities for life but sometimes you don't have room for them all so you must discard them. If I had my own land I'd grow forests.
No I haven't gone catholic I spill my seed on numerous occasions its not sacred except its not seed its spunk ya silly twats.
I only believe in abortion because there is no other option for the children, no one wants them and there is no where for them to go to grow up safe and strong.
I only believe in abortion because there is no other option for the children, no one wants them and there is no where for them to go to grow up safe and strong.
You can go on about the woman's right to choose, I see it as she fucked up/got unlucky and the baby is paying the price for that , she gets a second chance, a get out of jail free card, the baby doesn't, sure deformity, retardation and rape etc are special cases, she didn't make the choice to have a sickly child or to spread them in that instance.

Yes men get off pretty lightly and are to blame too, if you aren't ready to raise a child then you shouldn't be having sex. It looks to me that we make our own problems for 25 seconds of joy, er I mean 25 hours.
During abortions the baby isn't amnestied, this is because Pro Choicers say its not a real baby yet and so doesn't feel pain. The reason they say this is because if they admit it felt pain then they would lose ground in their argument.

Of course it feels pain, just because a fetus can't live outside the womb on its own doesn't make it inhuman, a newborn can't live on its own either .
When one of my children was born a nurse told me they don't feel pain, for the next hour my boy screamed the hospital doon as he fought the nurses who were trying to put an I.V. into his arm.

The death penalty in the States is under scrutiny because they say the lethal injection causes the prisoner pain, I don't give a shit that some pedo murderer feels pain or not, I say torture them to death. I never hear anything from dog owners that have their dogs put doon, those loyal friends of humans no doubt feel pain too but who cares?

This is my opinion as I believe I'm allowed to have one on my own blog, I only agree to pro choice/baby murder what ever you want to call it because there is no other choice, no system exists to protect and raise the unwanted children so killing them in a hospital is better than dumping them in a bin bag and into a dumpster.
I am not pro life or pro choice, neither left or right wing I believe there are circumstances that effect everything and nothing is black and white or clear cut .

Now here is something of little interest none of you lot know, that might go to explaining how I cum to think the way I do. Two years before my birth my mother had a miscarriage, it was a baby gurl named Lana. My mother changed from then on most likely depression and my father who was from the generation of the stiff upper lip though a good man wasn't much comfort.
I was the last child to be born of them and so probably wouldn't have been here blogging here today if my sister Lana hadn't died in that side alley way beside the hoose.
Being deep I do wonder about the bigger picture a lot, why did so and so die and I lived? Is there not an intelligent design but an insane design? Have I fulfilled my destiny by writing a post that meant something to someone else or do we get a few jobs to do in life? What if there is no reason or point and shit just happens then you die ?

Who gives a toss ? at least we have tits.
I've always included you in the intricate details of my period so don't talk to me of being excluded from weemen's issues by weemen.
Oh my god, I can't believe it. This time you've gone too far. You should be ashamed of yourself. Using cute kittens and puppies to make your point... that's hitting under the belt, man.
No plan. No "intelligent" design, no design. Just a pissed demiurg.
I like Tyson biting bits and pieces out of cute white boys. Even when he's faking it.
I think it is okay to shoot big holes into cute puppies and to blow the head off of "man's best friend": They are simple shitting-howling-biting-machines and their best friend is the can-opener.
Abortion can be necessary. Than it has to be legal, fast and according to the medical art.
Well, I completely disagree with you, but you do indeed have the right to your own opinion on your own blog. Puppies, kittens, and tassles---argued as only Knudsen can argue.
I see your point Knudie - if women have terminations their tits won't get bigger.
From a fellow subversive - a smile. And an email as soon as my computer decides its over its period. xox
Yes, Knudsen, "shit just happens then you die."
You have summed up this thing we call life, in just six words.
Now, regarding abortion. I too, am
"a gardener, a nurturer; I've grown trees from seeds ...I see seeds as opportunities for life but sometimes you don't have room for them all so you must discard them..."
And, "I only believe in abortion because there is no other option for the children, no one wants them and there is nowhere for them to go to grow up safe and strong...killing them in a hospital is better than dumping them in a bin bag and into a dumpster..."
AND even though you are "not pro life or pro choice, neither left or right wing (and) believe there are circumstances that effect everything and nothing is black and white or clear cut," THIS IS PERHAPS THE BEST ARGUMENT I HAVE EVER SEEN OR HEARD FOR KEEPING ABORTION SAFE AND LEGAL!
I would add that THE EARLIER the procedure is done, the safer and more humane it is. I have little sympathy with the pregnant woman who farts around until the eighth month to decide that she wants an abortion. I had my abortion one week after I missed my period. Though there's probably no way to prove it, I believe that a 1 cm long embryo is much less aware of pain than a fully developed infant.
Thank you for tackling a difficult subject in such a thoughtful way.
The way to reduce the abortion rate is to make contraceptives freely available to women and men or else make them dirt cheap.
I believe in sex for pleasure and reproductive rights for women.
Old Knudsen, of course you have the right to your own opinion on the subject, but the law should not tell women that pregnancy may be compulsory if they are sexually active.
No girl dreams of the day; having an abortion, engaging in a relationship with an abusive man, or dying of ovarian cancer. And yet these things happen.
Education and accessiblity to resources are indeed the best things we can do to minimize these occurences.
Does the fetus expericence pain? Life is pain, perhaps for them, both ends are equally as short. Msny religions believe that pain and suffering are necessary to reach the pinnicle of faith.
So if that be true, then these souls had no chance to do wrong, and suffered pain, so then they must get VIP seating in the afterlife then. (According to those who believe in it.)
I wanna say something appropriate, something serious, but I ain't got shit. Very sorry bout your mum though, that pain doesn't go away I suppose.....
I'm so sorry about your mum's miscarriage. It must have hurt her deeply.
"If 'twere done, then well it were done quickly" said Hamlet one day long ago.
It has to remain legal for the sake and safety of all involved. I really believe that. And when it is legal it can be done right away before the foetus is even a foetus - when it is just a blob of cells.
I don't like abortion. I think it would be hard to find anybody to march around with banners saying "Woohoo! More abortions! Abortions for everybody!" The idea is abhorent and contrary to our every instinct but I know that I cannot possibly understand every circumstance that might lead to such a decision.
The women who do it are not monsters. They are, more often than not, frightened, unprepared and alone and the decision to abort can never be an easy one. It is not just an easy way out of a tricky situation. After an abortion, a woman will question her decision for evermore. There will be no peace from that.
The first thing we need to do is hand out condoms and bloody well publicly ridicule these religious nutters who preach against condoms but promote ignorance and abstinence and fear and shame. Call them on their lunacy, whatever their religion is, and show them for the public health hazard they are.
I hate the idea of abortion, but as long as it is going to happen, and it will, for evermore, I believe it must be safe, compassionately counseled and administered, and protected by law.
Mj you should write a blog about yer periods.
Captain Smack I am shameless, no kittens or puppies were aborted during the making of this post.
mago you have such a high opinion of humans but not animals, is it the lack of soul thing?
sassy sundry since you still think voting for the woman killer Ted Kennedy was a good idea I can't see us agreeing on too much, ah well being right is a burden I must shoulder.
conan drumm you funny cunt I never thought about that.
kate I thought Australia was a little too quiet, Dive must have shit himself.
madamZ not so much an argument for abortion but an argument for better adoption and childcare.
So a small dog won't feel as much pain as a big dog when you kill them?
medbh sex for pleasure? well I have fun. I think if yer going to support state sanctioned murder then the war of terror and the death penalty should also be supported.
Ms Blue A bit of proof would be nice. Its more easy to just not think about them in pain to justify it I think.
manuel My Ma coped well as she had to raise me but I did wonder why she stayed in bed for most of the day. I only found out one Christmas when I told her I was considering the name 'Lana' for my unborn child, she got a starry look in her eyes and said it was a nice name, then I was told. Damn my psychic abilities huh? I believe Lana has been with me watching over me.
sam problem child bride you'd be surprised at the people who will say 'Yay abortions' not self aware, compassionate or maternal many give it lip service just for the issue of rights,I think its a person responsibility thing more than anything. I'm just playing Devils advocate here and reading the carefully controlled comments. There are 50 other circumstances to consider in each case I just don't want abortion to be as easy an option as the pill, I've been reading too many abandoned baby stories recently, people are selfish cunts.
Sorry, you are not right there: I do NOT have a high opinion of humans.
Which explains you not wanting to save millions then.
I prefer the company of dogs more then most humans. Perhaps Mago, had a bad experience that has marred the whole species? Or is it just the nauseating way some people treat their pets like baby's? Some people treat their mates the same way, like dogs or babies, and neither is appropriate.
mago murder/abortion it has many names and ways to justify it, I was asking you if you could discard the one for the needs of the many, maybe I should have cleared it a bit by saying you don't know the one but yer friends ans family could be in the millions.
Ms Blue like a rape victim hating men huh? do you think Mago was raped by a dog?
Abortion is NOT murder. It is not comparable. The women I know that had an abortion came to this decision after an intense process - it is not "Hey, let's kill a child"! That is the super-simplifying way some fundamentalists want to see it. It is wrong.
I was raised in a household that always had to do with dogs. I grew up with dogs. No damn petty handbagcreatures but damn dogs that are there for doing a job: Protecting the farm, biting pieces out of strangers and if need be protecting the master by killing the aggressor.
Dogs are dogs. They are no humans and "huamnifying" them does them harm. It is unnatural. Like making horses jump - they are not built for that: Dogs are not made for handbags.
I hate teary-eyed puppy-images, especial when they have nothing to do with the text - it is simply false, untruthful - Talmi, goddam Kitsch!
I do not shoot dogs for fun and I am not throwing chiwawahs, lately. And I do not murder humans.
Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up. I'd have to be sad if Mago was truly a dog-hater. Just like I would be sad if I discovered Old Knut. were a woman hater. I know Old Knut, you are a woman-lover. :>
Old K. loves anything he gets his dong-in ...
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