The British government has agreed on principle to allow mad scientists to inject human DNA into animal cells in the fight against Michael Parkinson's disease.
Cow eggs will have the DNA scooped out and human DNA injected into it, then it will be zapped and the cells will grow and divide and hopefully this will product enough stem cells to fill four small suitcases. After 15 days the Cybrids will be destroyed, or will they?
This is just the start mark my words, soon it will be destroyed after the Cybrid learns to walk it will be destroyed and then after it finishes school and before you know it.

All the benefits of yer average monkey woman but far more useful, yer own permanent milk supply, no having to keep her pregnant just to get milk and instead of a costly divorce you can have a fun barbecue with friends .
The only thing I can think of thats better would be.
A hot pig woman!
So many tasty meats and look shes kinda hot doesn't she? also there wouldn't be that whole bestiality stigma that animal lovers suffer now.
Any males grown would be aborted, that should please the pro choice people and the feminists, besides we don't need the competition from big randy Bull men with giant knobs who the fuck would want that? (besides MJ, First Nations and Babs) lucky only men can become scientists because our brains are more denser than weemens therefore we can contain more smarts than they can, not sexist that's just the way it is..
To demonstrate my own superior smarts abilities click here for my theories about procrastination and how it is harmful to the environment and future development of stuff etc.
Glad I dn't have to buy the nipple rings it would cost a bloddy fortune and shopping for underwear would be a nightmare.
I heard about this whole thing. I think you should present your photos to the regulatory board responsible for approving it.
It's wrong I say, wrong! Next we men will need extra hands to tweak those extra nips... Where will it all end?
ellieThe price of knickers these days is udderly outrageous.
sassy I quite like the idea, something different to date you know?
babs I'm not one to judge however you are sick, I loved the pics you sent me though.
fusion men must learn to multi task better.
i am sure that there is a secret society all ready doing this. There is a lady at the 7-11 who i swear looks like a chicken. And even a sad teen at McD's that looks like Jar-Jar binks from Star Wars.
Sick fuckers i say.
Any woman will tell you that shopping for bras is not high on her list of fun activities.
So don't make it more stressful for us!
The plastic surgeons will love it! Just think of the possibilities...teet jobs, udder lifts...And the new and exciting lingerie and bondage styles to go with it. Fabulous!
Thanks for bringing back embarrassing memories of angst filled teen years. Hours spent locked away in my bedroom listening to a Pinky and Perky record and wanking in the flickering candlelight to pictures of naked women with Miss Piggy's head glued onto them with Pritt Stick.
We all have skeletons in our closets, it just so happens I also keep a nice piece of pork loin in mine.
xmichra I've slept with a few dogs.
MJ I love shopping for bras, whats yer problem, of course I mainly just like to touch em.
xul with all the ugly fuckers in the world and now animal people, thats the job to have.
Mr warring I see you didn't stay off the coke for long.
The fact that I like to ride the bull must've slipped out in one of my drunker blogging moments. Another reason, I shall not stop drinking. I mean another reason I should, wtf, who am I kidding. So, I ain't no rocket scientist, I can do stuff, Da. Hah! Beef or Pork, that is the question?
I reposted my comment under Babz. Of course, I will have to dig for more pics, just for your amusement.
So, which do you prefer, pork or beef?
This is udderly gross.
Where on earth did you get those pics? I think you might just happen to be more resourceful and more perverse than I. Touche my friend. Touche.
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