500 years ago in the Andes, children were sacrificed to mark the annual corn harvest. Dressed in fine clothes, given corn alcohol and taken up the Llullaillaco volcano to a height of 22,080 feet and left to die, the low oxygen and freezing temperatures do the rest.
This 15 year old gurl was found in 1999 along with a 6 year old gurl and a 7 year old boy, they are known as the Children of Llullaillaco. My point is? its always sad to see a 15 year old gurl become a mummy.
This 15 year old gurl was found in 1999 along with a 6 year old gurl and a 7 year old boy, they are known as the Children of Llullaillaco. My point is? its always sad to see a 15 year old gurl become a mummy.

Hee hee. Very funny, Old Knudsen.
I'm curious to know if she did actually "freeze her tits off" as they popular phrase goes.
What is it with you and jail bait?
What a great way to deal with problem kids.
Let's bring back the custom.
wow. that's harsh.
dive you grumpy old git..........well done.
Xmichra and that was an honour.
Nope, I would not want to die that way. She looks kinda sad, huh?
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