Last December Nicki jex of Leicester held up a bookmaker's shop with his gurlfriend's vibrator. He kept the "Ass master 3000" in a plastic bag and pointed it as you would point an 8 inch humming revolver.
Though the faint smell of fish was in the air the staff and customers in the shop thought their lives were in danger .
When Jex left the shop with £613 from the till one of the customers Mr Wayne Vakani followed him out to see where he went to.
Jex a qualified chef and engineer was on the drugs which is why he thought this was such a good idea.
Never mind him and his problems, his gurlfriend is not only doon a boyfriend who could cook but is doon Nobby the vibrator too as its still in the evidence locker being shown around by giggling police officers.
What a coincidence that the judge who sentenced Jex had the name "Judge Philip Head" I hear he gives good punishment.
Though the faint smell of fish was in the air the staff and customers in the shop thought their lives were in danger .
When Jex left the shop with £613 from the till one of the customers Mr Wayne Vakani followed him out to see where he went to.
Jex a qualified chef and engineer was on the drugs which is why he thought this was such a good idea.
Never mind him and his problems, his gurlfriend is not only doon a boyfriend who could cook but is doon Nobby the vibrator too as its still in the evidence locker being shown around by giggling police officers.
What a coincidence that the judge who sentenced Jex had the name "Judge Philip Head" I hear he gives good punishment.

Mr Vakani was awarded £500 by the Judge for his courage, I wonder where that money is going to cum from, I know where its going. Considering he was in a Bookie's shop I suspect Mr Vakani will be doon betting on the horses, try "The Pink Bandit" its a long shot and has never cum first but its powerful.
He doesn't need to fear the judge so much as fear the wrath of his girlfriend without her vibrator.
"If you ever get robbed demand to be shown the gun, under EEC guidelines B-23/h7 you are within yer rights to be shown the weapon, if you are refused contact yer local Member of Parliament."
Yeah great idea Knudsen. Someone won't show me his vibrator so you want me to call a cunt! What's the point of that?
MJ I hope I don't meet her, I'm sick of getting raped by weemen.
willowtree how would you feel if you were stuck up with a vibrator? oops I think I know the answer to that one.
You ask for it by the way you dress.
Could that be considered armed robbery? A good lawyer could get him off ;)
and the way he walks.
I had a guy try to rob me once. He was waiting in some incredibly noisy bushes and I had time to consider which Karate kick I'd like to use. When he jumped out I have him a "Half Moon" it's when your heel comes crashing down on the opponents collarbone. Needless to say. Jumping was the least of his problems for awhile.
I'm not a damsel in distress, on contraire, it is the assailant that will be begging for the police to come save 'em.
As a side not, I also like the other "Half Moon" military strategy when taking out Romans. :)
Mj no I beg for it.
rich a hot lawyer.
first nations just give me it damn it.
Ms Blue While I don't suggest that everyone should tackle assailants well done. A woman in Glasgow at the weekend tried to flag doon cars on a busy road when a man followed her, no one stopped and she was dragged into some bushes and raped.
You don't have to be bigger or stronger just smarter unless you've got the moves like yerself.
Google the story from earlier this year of the guy who robbed a lingerie shop on the Lisburn Road. He thought he was an elf or something and was dressed like a proper lunatic. Worked in Queens too, magic fucking moments...
Let's hope the judge gives him a stiff sentence. And where were the police during all of this? Surely in the future they will take prophylactic measure to make sure that cunts like this aren't out walking the streets. Perhaps in the future the bookie will just tell em to bugger off. I hope he doesn't see the outside of a prison for a slong time.
I did and it was class.
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