Old Knudsen gets to gloat over the misfortune of others yet again or Schadenfreude as we call it in the Fatherland.
I'm only gloating because I am right, who would of thought that these two kids with good jobs and good futures ahead of them with the sparkle in their eyes of a dream and from the cocaine would end up splitting up? well me ya silly twats, I called it in one of my other posts on divorce 'Rambo's Rimjob Roid Rage' , below is the comment to Nuggetmaven that spelled doom for Pamela and Kid Rock, what a silly name by the way, who names their kid 'kid'?
I am still amazed that Shatner is still alive after I claimed he had died, well hes not getting any younger. Next!
nuggetmaven: its a tongue twister alright, I also predict failure for any marriages that involve Paris Hilton, Pam Anderson, Angelina jolie and Liza Minelli, no brainers, and why is Hilary still with that sink wanker? she should cut him loose and live with me. October 30th 2006
We call it schadenfreude here too. I laughed when I heard about this marriage. I'm glad it lasted the third-tier rock "star" length of time. If they'd made it a year, I would have had to question my assessment.
Oh, and if you had wanted me to call you a sexy man, all you had to do was ask. I like the fact that you equate yourself with Queen Victoria.
I wonder if they wake up and say,"how can we get press today"? no I was comparing myself with Clooney, are you saying I'm more like Vic? we are not amused.
Hilary . . . Clinton?
I don't think Chad Lowe is the sink wanking type, yes Clinton it is.
Interesting quote.
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