This is what happy people look like, even porkers with sideburns deserve happiness.
If there is one thing that chaps Old Knudsen's thighs its people putting up Youtube instead of a post, my telly works ok I don't need your help I come onto your blog for your thoughts not a video clip, well no actually its bloggers saying they can't think of anything to blog about and dragging their feet around all depressed about winter and the Christmas hols. I am reminded of a school kid on the summer holidays going up to their parents and saying, "I'm bored" and only going away when told ,"if you're bored then clean your room". If you're over 22 then you may have done something in your life worth writing about, so now I'm going to tell you about 2 miserable times I had at the landmark holiday/celebration times in my life, if you don't have anything to blog about write yours up then your current miseries may not be so bad, I doubt all your christmas' were white, and no sad stories of how your old dog died at christmas unless it dies in a really funny way.
Do you know how I spent my 17th birthday? well I'll tell you, I was in the Glasshouse, for those civies out there that's a military prison, I was left to the whims of the crazed sergeants and corporals of the military police, if you know anything about the British army you'll know that the MPs and the physical education NCO's (Non commissioned officers corporals etc) are the meanest and most sadistic of the lot and that's saying something, why let a poor soldier do things the easy way when you can make their life hell instead? that was their thinking, give an asrehole a little power and that's what happens.Just look at this stupid bint, thinks she can smoke where ever she wants, thats an abuse of power that is.
Me and my fellow prisoners were dressed in green coveralls and made to run all over the camp picking up trash and cigarette butts, then we had to go to a nearby field where the General likes to swing his golf club and look for stray golf balls, all the while being treated like shit by the NCO's and any soldiers that we passed, great for a 17 year old's psyche.At least they got taken for a walk.
I was incarcerated for a week, not that long considering what I did, what did you do? I hear you shout, I shot a man to watch him die, shocked? I then received the nickname Notoriously Dangerous Knudsen, or N.D. Knudsen, you're not buying any of this are you? well its true except I only shot a fellow soldier in the foot and that was by accident, ND actually stands for Negligent discharge, and the nickname did stick, they would have thrown me out but they needed all the fit young healthy men they could find to go and die for their country in the trenches of France.
Thankfully most of my regiment got wiped out at Ypres and only those that knew my nickname didn't know where it came from so I became Notoriously Dangerous which I remain to this day.Iceman once told me I was dangerous, I told him to fuck off and get fat, which he promptly did.
One Christmas I was working at the Chipper (chip shop) on Christmas eve and when I was done it was too late to buy food as all the shops had closed(small town) and the day that X-mas was on was no where near a pay day so I was broke. My family were too far away and hadn't invited me over, an over sight or they just assumed I didn't need an invite, well I didn't ask as I have pride so I retired to my small lonely bed sit and looked at the food I had, the chip shop was going to be closed on Christmas day so no fish and chips on the sly. For Christmas dinner I had some rice covered with gravy (the same thing I had for breakfast) the last of my flat coke and I settled down to watch TV, only shite on, even the Queen did a half arsed job in her speech, " my husband and I, yadda yadda warm regards to the British people yadda yadda stretch it out yadda yadda" yes she actually said yadda yadda, so I went for a walk around the 5 or 6 shops in the main street, none where open of course. I got to sneer at the other sad lonely fuckers walking their dogs and then I thought, well at least they have dogs, the bastards.Do the beautiful people ever get lonely at Christmas? fuck I hate them and their perfect looking ways, I bet her farts even smell nice.
My family never mentioned that Christmas, I'm not even sure they noticed that I wasn't there, so I will post on Christmas day and if everyone is too busy having unchristian fun at the expense of little baby Jesus to click on my blog, whatever, I'm sure I'll get some sad pathetic excuse of a person looking for love in all the wrong places and I will make them laugh and thus be put in the express lane of 12 sins or less into Heaven.
This is the lovely young lady that I'll be spending the holidays with, assuming shes not all booked up, they call her the Abroath rollercoaster, how dare you judge me you aren't me you don't know my pain, she is the reason my blog isn't called Old Bitter Blue Balls, its a medical condition I have, shes like an occupational therapist that the NHS won't cover because shes not old and dried up, she s hot and sexy .
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
All The Lonely People.
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amen, knudsen, fuck those lazy youtube collectors - though that meme you put up was a bit suspicious on account of it looking like you didnt have anything else to say, not that i used it like that, cause even if i am under 22 i have PLENTY to say. still, I am quite relieved to see you put up yon sexy whale.
got all that?
Now look here, I just put up a video on my blog. But I also maintain7 blogs, hah! But I will concede that you have me beat in the literary department. Why do you think I come back, well that and you're so cute, lol!
Wowie zowie. Torture, Ice Man, and porny ladies of different sizes. ND Knudsen, you do get around. It takes creativity to string those things together. Interesting stories.
I'm not a fan of the YouTube post myself, though some of them are really funny and/or insightful. Most of the time, however, reading about people's lives is much more intertesting than watching TV.
By the way, are you really a vampire or something? I checked thisy here blog a while back, in the middle of the night your time, and you just had a picture of a statue posted. Now you have the Ice Man porn torture up. Do you sleep? Is it because you are old?
Sorry. I've had wine. Not too much, as I can still type, but enough to loosen up the fingers.
sassy, if you hadn't asked, I would have...i dont think he has a biological clock....
If those are happy people, I'm really glad I'm a miserable bastard, ND.
And fuck youtube. The broadband in my village is made of mud and straw so I can only watch the stupid things at work.
Yon Northern Lass is a fine figure of a woman. You can't buy girls like that down here; they're all stick thin East European crack addicts. I might have to drive up to Arbroath.
taihae the last time I counted I had at least 8 posts on draft and something always pops up like a meme, top notch divorce or a death and sets the release date of the rest back, I have plenty to say, thats all.
babsbitchin going for the glamour shot I see,I don't read while I eat as I believe I can only do one of them well at the time, I see a youtube and I skip it, even on broadband I would.
sassy sundry I fell asleep at the keyboard, when I woke I'd killed a man and typed 2 posts without realising it, sleep is for the weak, and the tired.
dive My gurl probably knows several weemen down your way, do ya like em clean or do you enjoy a risk?
I like the look of the Abroath rollercoaster , if she is riding on top , you wouldnt be able to hear the queens speech :-)
Having sex while listening/watching the Queen's speech, you'll have to be careful you don't go all premature due to the intense stimulation.
Clean, dirty, whatever.
The way I've been feeling just lately I'll take anything that still twitches when you kick it.
Oh, a Christmas like the Little Match Girl, how sad. Would you like a Jesus doll who recites Scripture when you pull his string for Christmas? I'll arrange it with Toys for Tots.
I love the way you've opened and closed on a porky note. Poetry. There's more thought and subtlety going into your posts than us plebs often appreciate, isn't there, K?
It's nice to see the fuller figure getting some positive feedback, too.
I find your use of images here tasteless. Fat people are wrong.
Only kidding, I quite like Kate Moss.
I was wondering: is there any truth to the rumours that you once managed the Scottish band The View, former riotous support act to the Libertines, but you were sacked for drinking too much whilst playing the midnight fiddle? I read it on a computer page.
I bet the only queen's speech you get to hear on Christmas day is Pierre imploring you to do it harder, harder.
After you shot him in the foot did you then tell him to "Hop It"?
if the video is funny or interesting (like spiderman 3) i will post it.
sometimes the best laughs come from other people, and if i think it is funny or worth posting i will, so there fuck face!
ps. im lazy and sometimes i just dont feel like writing witty diatribe when I have hours upon hours of work, you may have free time on your hands.
dive if its warm with a heartbeat, gotchca mate, expect a parcel anyday now.
robyn Eversince chucky I've been sorely afraid of talking dolls.
Peahen no one notices half the stuff, I put up a pic of salt and pepper for a disney story because one of the gurls is called spinerella, or a X-men link goes to she-males, its all wasted on these people, 10 of you could make the Abroath rollercoaster by the way, shes big inexpensive and willing to please if you bring KFC, a dream woman.
kieran fat is the new thin, you read too much lad, Nowadays I can't even manage to piss into the bowl nevermind manage groups, and kate moss is a hag.
Mr Eater Very funny,I demand satisfaction for your remark about the Queen, send Pierre round stat.
tony funny you should mention that, no, I did ask the question,"are you alright?" as the blood pissed out and he howled in pain.
sammy no excuses lad,I can surf the interweb but I can't write thoughts from your head, somepeople are easy to please I guess.
I'm back because after seeing the painted road kill picture earlier today, he's all I can think of. I'm picturing the line painter standing over the opposum and saying something like, "it ain't my job to scrape 'im up."
I thought it was my charm that kept bringing you back, its like the old army saying 'if it doesn't move paint it'.
dunno if "sexsmith" is real???? i thought it was a made-up name like "Elvis Costello".......or "engleburt humpedink".or"Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick &Titch".....or "Jack Straw".......ummmm..if you do get to have a word with The Big Cheese Upstairs,I would love to come back in the next~life as a "SEXSMITH".Pull Those Strings!
Tony you're confusing the people, which means they will have to go to your site to see what we're talking about, crazy like a fox you are, I've always loved the name Jack Straw, like Old Nick or something, I'll work on the sexsmith thing but it gives me a powerful headache with all that huffing.
When's Knudsen Memories (or is it Mammeries - how do you speel that) on TV? Is it true you'll be on Parky soon? If Graham Norton can get on TV ;-)haha
Michael and I are just good friends I will not be on him anytime soon, do not compare me to Norton, while he was excellent on Father Ted he is a twat, I like Mammeries, they make me smile.
Mr K, were you breastfed? As a baby, I'm not asking if that happened recently.Why I'm asking is because I noticed this blog post entitled Breastfeeding and Bananas I'm sure it'd be of interest to you with your love of mameries and your pet monkey.
Hmmm, if I got nothin' I post nothin'... however, I do have a self-admitted YouTube addiction, and I do have quite a few things queued up involving them. Tune in for the content, just turn a blind eye to the Youtube shite, Knudsen:)
PS: I didn't give you permission to post that last picture of me. It was during a vulnerable phase for me... I've since had that hideous tatt lasered off...
cyberscribe I like tities and I like bananas I would sit still on some lasse's lap for either.
nuggetmaven I went onto Bench (in my links) and he had youtube and a link to myspace but he also had writing so that was ok, theres no rules to blogging (haven't finished writing them yet)so its all up to personal taste or lack off in my case.
Yeah, yeah, but what about my picture? I didn't grant permission for everyone to see me with all my lusciousness.
I wish someone put up a picture of me in my prime, save it for the grandkids to show off.
:) So, I can deduce that MY pic is of me in MY prime?
Ever the flatterer, you are!
With my charm and a bucket of KFC I could have any woman I want.
Knudsen, tie a porterhouse around your neck, and I'd follow you anywhere:)
I'd tie it around my waist if I thought there was a chance.
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