Monday 27 November 2006

My Ginger Goddess.

With yer big strong arms and yer ginger hair,
I see yer nips stick out and all I do is stare,
You lift 40 tons of dirt in a sweaty sticky shirt,
out of Alan and Tommy you have the only blurt,
You are a woman of nature, a special kind of creature,
let me piss on yer face and I'll be yer water feature,
Plant my tree and my roots will spread,
if you've got the money then I'm willing ta wed.

Charlie Dimmock, TV gardener from the show groundforce, a hard working lass with nipples of steel.


BEAST said...

Good choice , she is indeed a tissian goddess , I would like to see her in nothing but a pair of green wellies , toying suggestivley with her root balls

Anonymous said...

Good God, Dimmock is a minger! You're more than welcome to her Old Man.

Though you might have to fight my neighbour for her. He's another "gentleman of a certain age", who named his cats Charlie and Fern after Dimmock and the inflatable Fern Britton (Yeuch).

Dr Maroon said...

Jesus Knudsen, this place changes every twenty seconds. Is it crystal meth or what?
Dimmock's got dirty fingernails. You could get lockjaw or something. Crackerjack pups mind. Or they used to be.

Frobisher said...

As sure as eggs are eggs her dirty pillows will fall like autumn leaves

Anonymous said...

eat your heart out old man... she wouldn't give you the time of day in Scotland

sammy.the.k said...

oh knuddy young people shouldnt be killed, i was just ruffling your feathers.

honestly a good movie is a good movie, no matter when it was made.

citizen kane is lauded because of the camera effects and angles used.

i agree with you, i am not a big fan of shit that comes to theatres these days (basically anything by michael bay), but there are quite a few great modern day films.

look at anything by wes anderson or david fincher or daren aronofsky.

i may like my comic films like spiderman, batman begins, etc... but i also like a lot of indie movies like igby goes down and mysterious skin (really fucked up) and requiem for a dream.

i guess if i like the movie, i like it, doesnt really matter when it came from. and yes some films adapted from the stage are good (i thought the phantom film was pretty good when i dont even like the stage play), and sordid lives, but a lot of times the transition from stage to film doesnt always work.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

I like her. I like her confidence and practicality. However gravity is a cruel mistress and one of these days will demand payback for these wild and free days of swinging bosoms in the garden. (Would that be a good band name? The Wild and Free Swinging Bosoms of Abandon? I would listen to such a band.)

In the end, it's just good to see that Charlie's dimmocks, the most celebrated in the land, are the real thing and not some off-the-rack salty-water-features. And they are useful for viewers to guess the temperature in this week's garden.

Foot Eater said...

Jesus Knudsen. It has a certain horrible plausibility to it.

Anonymous said...

Nipples of steel indeed.

Lovely poem.

Old Knudsen said...

Mr Beast everytime I work in the garden I get a hard on, like pavlov's dog, it got boners too.

kieran we'll have a cock fight, last man standing wins.

dive that Fern would be my trampoline of love.

Dr Maroon Just saying that it was meth, would you be able to write me a prescription?

Mr Frobisher A trip to the surgeon and she'll be a perky as spring again, its her duty.

Rich I have my own watch, I only want her for sex.

sammy no, really young people should be killed, they need to do a general knowledge test on stuff they should know by now,(like how to tie laces and tell time) and killed or sent to a work camp if they fail.

sam,problem-child-bride yes with Charlie its the whole package, strength, energy, personality and wet T-shirts.

Mr Eater if so then I suspect you have a brain cloud, well nice knowing you.

sassy sundry thankyou gurl, I slaved for minutes over it.

sammy.the.k said...

ok many of them yes (tweens anyone)

ill give you that. but not me!!

iLL Man said...

I like a well built lass Knudsen. A man after me own perverted heart.

Old Knudsen said...

sammy I'll give you a free pass because you love to take the piss out of me.

Ill man I am after your heart but as more of a sacrifice thingy.

Old Knudsen said...

hadon I heard you had died of syphilis,you know just because her name is Charlie doesn't mean shes a he/she, you may be disappointed.