Salman Rushdie who was famous for writing The Satanic Verses in 1988 which describes a cosmic battle between good and evil and combines fantasy, philosophy and farce with lots of tits and Islamic hand jobs which also pissed off the Iranians enough to issue a Fatwa on him and then he........ I don't know, what else has he done? oh yeah he married that honey Padma Lakshmi as shown in the picture above giving rich ugly fuckers all over world hope.
Well for his services to literature and to annoy the Ragheads he was given a Knighthood. Probably an idea from his hot young wife to use him as bait to flush out Islamic Extremists, a very helpful and succulently moist gurl, God bless her .
Pakistan's Religious Affairs Minister Ejaz-ul-Haq and promoter of Islam as a religion of peace said in response to the Knighthood.
"If someone commits suicide bombing to protect the honour of the Prophet Mohammad, his act is justified,"
Well for his services to literature and to annoy the Ragheads he was given a Knighthood. Probably an idea from his hot young wife to use him as bait to flush out Islamic Extremists, a very helpful and succulently moist gurl, God bless her .
Pakistan's Religious Affairs Minister Ejaz-ul-Haq and promoter of Islam as a religion of peace said in response to the Knighthood.
"If someone commits suicide bombing to protect the honour of the Prophet Mohammad, his act is justified,"
Pakistan's National Assembly unanimously condemned Britain's award of a knighthood and demanded it be withdrawn and if they don't then all Muslim countries should break off diplomatic relations with the UK. Fuck will that hurt our feelings.
Sir Rushdie commented about the situation saying," who gives a fuck ? just look at how hot my wife is" he then smiled and grabbed her arse, she squirmed uncomfortably.

I have no idea why he got this, give it to Tom Clancy, he may be a Yank but what talent, that should piss off the Ragheads too.
Things like this show you who the pretend friends to the West are, " we are doing all we can to hunt doon Al Qaeda, well except for looking for them as they are our mates after all."
I haven't read the Satanic Verses, Rushdie is as ugly as Stephen King so therefore I have no interest in what he has to say, studies show that good looking people like me deserve the most attention, thank god for Blogs so you ugly fuckers out there get to talk to the likes of me.
So Islam are ya listening? the Prophet Mohammad is a big child molesting dog licker with a small penis, his premature ejaculation and inability to sexually satisfy a woman has turned him against all weemen and he is now a hateful, twisted individual who can only get his way with brute force and stupidity, he was doon the town the other night talking shit to Jesus and when Jesus lifted his hand to brush his long hair, Mohammad thought he was going to hit him and started crying,"don't hit me please, for I am a craven coward" did ya get that?
Ok Mrs Queen, crown me, c'mon knight me up cos boy would that piss off the Sandsavages. What not enough? Mohammad is so ugly when he joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals, when he walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillance cameras, his ma had to be drunk to breast feed him.
Things like this show you who the pretend friends to the West are, " we are doing all we can to hunt doon Al Qaeda, well except for looking for them as they are our mates after all."
I haven't read the Satanic Verses, Rushdie is as ugly as Stephen King so therefore I have no interest in what he has to say, studies show that good looking people like me deserve the most attention, thank god for Blogs so you ugly fuckers out there get to talk to the likes of me.
So Islam are ya listening? the Prophet Mohammad is a big child molesting dog licker with a small penis, his premature ejaculation and inability to sexually satisfy a woman has turned him against all weemen and he is now a hateful, twisted individual who can only get his way with brute force and stupidity, he was doon the town the other night talking shit to Jesus and when Jesus lifted his hand to brush his long hair, Mohammad thought he was going to hit him and started crying,"don't hit me please, for I am a craven coward" did ya get that?
Ok Mrs Queen, crown me, c'mon knight me up cos boy would that piss off the Sandsavages. What not enough? Mohammad is so ugly when he joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals, when he walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillance cameras, his ma had to be drunk to breast feed him.

If this post offends any Muslims I just want to say, tough shit ya should all be protestants anyway so get over it, and stop blowing yerselves up you stupid cunts, at least the IRA only lost the odd finger, fucking amateurs.
Rock on Rushdie and a knighthood for Knudsen or at least an invitation to the palace for tea and cucumber sambo's.
Y;-) Paddy
Rushdie may be an unreadable writer, but he sure knows how to chat up the babes. You should ask him for a tape, Knudie: be honest, you've never been any good at sweet-talking the ladies. And the Prophet Muhammad had a huge cock, read some history before you start lecturing people.
Muslims crack me up. It's like Caine on "Kung Fu"; he claims to be a man of peace, but every ep he's kicking twenty guys' asses. If only the sandsavages were half as entertaining.
Solomon Rushdy is queeen of the glitterati. People buy his books because they're a classy kind of wallpaper, but nobody reads him. Hence he got a K. Plus the Brit establishment still like to 'do a wog a favour' every now and then. Reminds 'em that the white folk are still in charge.
Free Speech Reigns Here - You Rock!
no matter the religous piosness. Damn that girl is seven degrees of hot. nice post :)
The queen offered me a knighthood after I broke the record for consecutive appearances on the show COPS, and I was like "Bitch, please. Don't be grouping me in with Elton John." If they'd knighted Bernie Taupin instead, well, then that would be different.
I read that they were divorcing. Wasn't she like wife #4?
I read part of one of his novels and put it down. It was a bad version of the magical realism that writers like Gabriel Garcia Marquez produce expertly.
Anyone recall how many C of E vicars shat themselves over 'The Last Temptation of Christ.' True none of them tried to 'Off' Martin that I know of though... but maybe if the Pope had asked, I'm sure some albino monk would have stepped forward.
kate isis some people go on about how civilsied they were at one point, is that by middle ages standards?
paddy I get more than that off lizzie when I'm at the palace.
Mr FrobisherThe Free Presbyterians with towels on their heads, I almost like them now.
Mr Bananas is it time to mention the tiny cock size that Gorillas have again?
Fat Sparrow men of peace are just so sneaky, always with the mind fuck games.
conan drumm wogs, Bertie Ahern, we love all our servants.
sassy as long as he doesn't sing I'll be happy.
Akelamalu only anonymous commenters so far have been censored here, free speech is an illusion.
conan Drumm so you actually liked him once? yes I am laughing.
xmichra really? I hadn't noticed.
captain Smack if they handed out knighthoods for exceptional blogging you'd have a shelf full, you make me sick .
medbh divorcing? if anyone could make it I'd say it would be those two.
nokia you still alive then? I'll try harder.
Mr Modo I laughed when the Jews complained that Gibson blamed them for killing Christ, well it wasn't the bloody nazis. That monk keeps whacking on himself, thats not healthy.
I'd be quite happy if Rushdie got killed.
A lonely, horny widow, good plan.
Why your not foreign secretary I will never know....
Interesting perspective!
1. How does a nebbish like Rushdie end up with someone like Laxshmi?
2. How or why does Richard Gere end up burned in effigy for merely kissing Shilpa Shetty, yet, nothing noteworthy is said in the media about Laxshmi's modelling? What a double standard!
PS: I keep forgetting not to read you while I am at work... too many titty pics!
I love it. amatures. I yuv your rants. :0)
I used to like Cat Stevens
Sir Knudsen does have a nice ring to it!
ms pool I think I love you.
eyebee you're so kewl.
DBS if you married me you'd be a lady, always a first time for that.
I'll pretend as long as you pretend to be a gentleman. We can do this!
Now, c'mere, sit doon and have a drink with me, will you stop pacing the floors, you're wearing doon the carpet.
ron she gives me something you could hang yer coat on.
babs I'll only have the one Whiskey, make it a pint.
Have the fuckers issued you with a fatwa thingummy yet?
alas not yet.
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