For full affect hum "land of hope and glory" aka "pomp and circumstance ." They want to kill you in the name of Allah with their bad driving, what fuckers.
So anyway I was standing at Glasgow Airport minding my own business waiting for Jimmy the stain to get through security hoping they did not check up his hole when "WHAM!" I saw George Michael then seconds later a car crashed into the terminal, I don't think Mr Michael had anything to do with it.
A Jeep Cherokee was a blaze, two Asians had rammed the building with a car full of petrol bombs in a terrorist attack. I just thought that chinks being the worse drivers in the world crashed into a big fuck off Airport by accident.
Along with the car bombs in London its just like the 80's all over again, the IRA were into blowing people up before they all became Bloggers (I know who you are) and the Iranians were into driving cars full of bombs into things.
Where is Tony when we need him? we can't give into pricks like this, Gordon Brown (texture like sun) had better not cave in like Spain did, that would be dishonouring those that stood up to Hitler, those wounded at Canary wharf the dead of the Brighton bombing the Harrods bombing not to mention Omagh , Enniskillen and the Iranian embassy .
If you back doon from these crazy fuckers it will be more embarrassing than the Hostages Iran held earlier this year . Who hasn't been bombed by terrorists? c'mon its been a way of life for Northern Ireland for the last 30 odd years, its not very nice when the masked cowards attack but you can't let them win, we'll have them beat by Christmas, it may be Christmas of 2037 but we'll still win.
Remember Muhammad Old Knudsen still thinks yer a cunt so cum and have a go if you think yer hard enough, I'll shove my boot up so far up yer fatwa you can taste the dog shit I just stepped in.
Dear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned.
God make thee mightier yet!
On Sov'reign brows, beloved, renowned,
Once more thy crown is set.
Thine equal laws, by Freedom gained,
Have ruled thee well and long;
By Freedom gained, by Truth maintained,
Thine Empire shall be strong.
Land of Hope and Glory,
Mother of the Free,
How shall we extol thee,
Who are born of thee?
Wider still and wider
Shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee mighty,
Make thee mightier yet
God, who made thee mighty,
Make thee mightier yet.
Thy fame is ancient as the days,
As Ocean large and wide
A pride that dares, and heeds not praise,
A stern and silent pride
Not that false joy that dreams content
With what our sires have won;
The blood a hero sire hath spent
Still nerves a hero son.
Thine Empire shall be strong.
Land of Hope and Glory,
Mother of the Free,
How shall we extol thee,
Who are born of thee?
Wider still and wider
Shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee mighty,
Make thee mightier yet
God, who made thee mighty,
Make thee mightier yet.
Thy fame is ancient as the days,
As Ocean large and wide
A pride that dares, and heeds not praise,
A stern and silent pride
Not that false joy that dreams content
With what our sires have won;
The blood a hero sire hath spent
Still nerves a hero son.
Car bombs. Heared it once called "the poor man's airforce".
Not the brightest so far. Was that the F-team, with the professionals still to come? There are still some idiots to be catched.
Yes, some Elgar should do.
well its not like the sandsavages/cuff links can shoot, its bad when they can't even blow themselves up, they may get lucky yet.
I can not help, there is something strange about these attacks. It's like they are meant to draw all attention in one direction. Who fills up two old mercs with gas? The cops (sorry, do not know the british terminus technicus) pull the one coatch around, not the most technical and sensible device.
Two blokes drive a jeep in a hall, get out and have a fistfight with the uniformed - heck: What were they waiting for? Sorry forgot to deal the number in the portable to bang this car? Jeep smolders down, blokes arrested. No guns, no sucide belts, no functioning detonator. No training, no professionalism.
Where is attention now not focused?
Where's the A-team when you need them? Geriatric institution maybe.
Oh yes, Manuel is right: The fight needs to be on more than a military level ...
Hopefully this wasn't an American poly to keep the redcoats in the war. We need all the help we can get you know...
mago yer more paranoid than I am and thats saying something. Stupid attacks very amateurish, designed to create terror but in Britain it creates WTF? I hope its all they have.
Mr The Robber I really hate terrorists and those who shelter and support them, its 98% islamic males right? I smell death camps.
fat thomas yes you do, I say either nuke the middle east or leave them to it, anything but this messing about.
because of Glasgow, dont you think we need fire-proof Identity Cards?
I have to agree with Manuel. I find it difficult though because this kind of shit makes me so angry.
Mago: apparently one of them did have a suicide belt on which is why the hospital was later evacuated. Home made devices are notoriously temperamental, thank goodness.
Old K: Were you one of the people who grappled the fuckers to the ground so police could nick them? I bet you were, all hail hero Knudsen!
Have we talked about how very, very not valid that picture is? Because if not, we should.
Where can I buy a Union Jack? I feel the need to link arms with other bloggers, wave my flag and sing.
Yeah ... whats with the picture?
Those are the most mis-matched selection of hat boxes I have ever seen.
tony I think higher standards for terrorists should be implemented.
the little cheese it was just a cry for help belt. I would have grabbed them if it wasn't for my back so I bravely ran to safety.
fat sparrow can you not see the death in their slitty eyes?
ellie we need some patriotic propaganda and I don't mean the red hand of Ulster.
So horrified was I at that picture at the top (it put me right off my Sunday lunch and that takes some doing) that I was moved to leave a protest comment. It wasn't until I read the other comments that I realised there was more to this posting than two Japanese men wearing strategically-placed rubber band hammocks around their puny private parts.
I've read it now and my observation is that the only good thing about the whole terrorism thing is that for every murdering bastard there seems to be two or three good old Brits displaying extraordinary heroism. I have a horrible feeling that faced with the same situation, I would be running like hell in the opposite direction.
Around yer table there is always more to my posts, well most of them. You just never know what you'll do in times of danger. Heroics is a form of stupidity and thankgod there are still idiots in the UK.
tickersoid The lack of hugs I didn't get growing up makes me want to kill, or is that the drink?
Maybe a lack of kicks ...
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