It used to be that fuck and bastard were fighting words, now they are used by Parents, Teachers and Rest home caregivers on an everyday basis.
Fuck is a highly versatile word it can be a command, compliment, insult, an act or just something bad, depending on its use.
Fit as Fuck
Strong as Fuck
Ugly as Fuck
Fat as Fuck
Tired as Fuck
Cool as Fuck
I don't give a Fuck
I'm gonna Fuck you up
Desperate for a Fuck
I Fucked yer Ma
I got Fucked
No I really got Fucked
Fucked in the head
Fuck a Duck
Fuck Buddy
Fucking Hell
The Fucking Fucker's Fucked
Fuck has been taken over as the shock word to use, all thanks to the Bog trotting Irish who now think so little of Fuck that they teach it in schools but pronounce it 'Feck' , the current word is of course 'Cunt' not as adaptable but still shocking to non Europeans , the Irish have even named an airline after the word, 'Cunnilingus' , this word will soon lose its power as the soft English have taken to using it, and who wants anything after they have used it? .
In polite circles the word Cunt is pronounced Cont but thats only by the Mucksavages as they are more readily acceptable of swear words coming into everyday use than other cultures.
Bring back 'Fuck' if you use 'cunt' with any other word it just becomes a limp insult, 'cunt face', yeah yeah, cunt on its own is fine but you can't beat a good Fuck, I dare anyone to say you can't beat a good fuck, but if you beat a good cunt you won't get a Fuck and you'd be Fucked but not really.
Real men and Old Knudsen say Fuck, he will say Cunt only after too much exposure to the lesser races.
I could of went for a picture of Bush as his name is also a name for a cunt but no, I went for another universally known Cunt Donald Rumsfeld, I'm sure the men and women fighting the sand savages would agree, who wants a boss that doesn't give a shit about his workers? give him a M 14 and send him out to patrol in an unarmoured Hummer.
Bush stood by Michael Brown of Fema and said what a good job he was doing with New Orleans and he is doing the same with Don, if you voted for Bush the first time, get someone to punch you in the back of the head, if you voted for him the second time just kill yourself, then again there wasn't much choice.
Old Knudsen demands the resignation of Rumsfeld or his sacking, and an apology for being late for 2 World Wars, and those responsible for not one but three Fast and the Furious films to be executed, I will await your answer Bush, you have 10 of your Earth minutes to decide.
Rumsfeld is a Cunt, but Hitler was a Fucker.

Hitler was also a junkie that farted alot,
his favourite word was 'Cunt'.
To quote his famous speech at Leipzig, "Ich bin ein Cunt!, ya das ist gute".
He aspired to be a Cunt as fucker is worse but he wasn't fooling anyone, well
except the nation of Germany and Neville Chamberlain.
If Hitler got his german grammar fucked up give him a break, he was from Austria, G'day mate.
You misunderstand, Mr Knudsen. Reluctant Nomad is using a common South African expression - common in both senses of that word - which refers more generally to the female reproductive apparatus, including the vulva and vagina. It's much loved by bus drivers in Johannesburg when they're forced to slow down to run over pedestrians at legally acceptable speeds.
Well, this is very nice. Thanks for the lesson, Knudson. In the States both words are still pretty shocking--talk about "glass in your face." But I read it through to the end. That's dedication for you.
Mr Eateryou're such a handy fella to have around (but don't stay too long) the last African I met besides a one night stand with Charlize Theron who I never called back hehe what a playa, was a 1000 Zulus who for some reason didn't like to be subjugated for the crown.
Robynyou read to the end, what a trooper, I know what you Americans are like, tons of violence as long as theres no sex or swearing,in Europe we prefer all three but not at the same time, well maybe sometimes at the same time, keep reading, its my aim to turn you into a foul mouthed offend them all Blogger.
A strange country full of strange beings.
Being a Bogwarrior I wouldn't be surprised if 'Cuntfuck' wasn't your first word as a baby. I call objects that bother me, "you whore of Babylon", if invisable people are watching us from the future I like to entertain them, or I may just be mad.
There was a great episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where our man says 'cunt' at a poker party and everyone is appalled. That's it. That's all I'm saying.
Letting it all hang out I see Knudsen. Good work. I knew you had it in you.
What a cuntingly splendid post Knudsen. I shall be checking in on a regular basis from now on. Got here via the lovely Dickley (that's dick headley to you).
kieran I doubt that is all you will be saying.
dh Praise from those that know big words is high praise Dick?
rockmother I have observed your Blog from Dick Headley's visual masterpiece of a Blog, welcome, be as regular as you want, fiber is the key.
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