By young people I mean under 50.
Only old farts say "cheese" young uns today frown, push out their chins and make strange gestures with their hands, it doesn't look like yer having fun and not really a pic you'd put up on the wall either. Does a mother hold a picture of her skinny white wigger son doing gang signs and tear up with pride? well unless the mother is Britney she won't.
Churchill was half American but thankfully it didn't show much. Here he is giving the American salute known as "giving someone the bird or flipping someone off," he used this more and more when *FDR* excluded him from the important war talks and hung out at Stalin's hoose more .
Winston Churchill, one of my all time heroes used to do the 'V' for victory sign to encourage the people during the time of war, he'd sometimes turn it round so the back of his hand faced the cameras in order to tell them to "piss off" as pointed out by the man from Chicago . No one after the war posed like this to look cool, no it wasn't until the hippies used it for peace and then the Spice gurls revived it in the 90's, those spice hoors, its all their fault, now dopey gurls have grown up doing gurl power peace signs.
I be the pink pimp and this is my skanky lawyer beeatch, what up G ?
Gang signs I believe the term is for what the young uns do now, what kind of gangs have middle aged losers or upper class snot bags that think being rude to their parent means they are tough?
Its funny when yer young and you think yer cool. You wear black, spike yer hair and wear big ear rings (not me honest) then the same kids who sneer at you and say you don't understand do the same and think they are original, that's always something to laugh at, I say to them "I was piercing my scrotum when you were an itch in yers Da's trousers."
The young uns of today forget that we oldies used to be young and went through everything they did, what would we know about dating boys? hey I know more about that than you think, I've been to Bangkok.
Now I don't get the music or why they wear such baggy clothes, I just assume they've all been raped or something and use their misshapen clothes to hide from the world and not get noticed. (classic victims) the surly behaviour I get, the constant erections I don't get, ah well I do what I can. Gurls and boys seem to be doing more at an early age but don't have the maturity to handle it and the world expects more from them than it did us, unless they are rich they're fucked. I wouldn't trade places or be a youngster again, I was well too stupid.
*FDR was a slimy fella and did more to monitor and control Americans than Bush has ever done, a fucking democrat huh, but it was good use of nukes, well done on that. Truman wasn't much better than FDR but at least he didn't lounge around on his arse all day .*
Does this mean you escaped from Old Billy?
Has he forgiven you for the dalliance with Brenda?
It's widely acknowledged that FDR knew all about Pearl Harbour but let it happen to get us into the war.
On the plus side, his programs like social security made the nation more humane.
I don't even know how they do that thing with their fingers. Last time I tried, I dislocated my pinky.
Glad you're safe Old K. Sorry about the stuff I took from your place when I thought you were a goner.
Missed again ...
Finger-wringing makes nobody tough. Nor piercing, tattoos and other mutilation. It is just talmi. Camouflage. As-if.
This tattoo you refer to is in german called "Arschgeweih". I kinda like the word. I am sure that it is possible to tell the age of a person by the (lack of and kind of) tattoos they is wearing.
And yes, take away from your grandchildren these beer-bottles, give'em the real stuff - yer scottish or a whimp? Or was it just a snack? Sorry then ...
Old Bittersweet yes the police went home and Billy forgot what he was doing. Remember fat gurls give the best head because they are always hungry.
Medbhsocial security? thats the one that the tooth fairy works for right? I suspect he just wanted an ID number to trace his people with, worked well didn't it? you all thought you were getting something.
A Boxer Gangs are for the weak, I'm an army of one and yes I'd like my underwear back please........wash them first, they need it.
mago I do the evil eye hand signals just, is 'arsch' sean connery trying to say arse? hahahaha you Arschloch.
Everyone knows that beer is for breakfast.
I was photographing the kids at work for their yearly scrapbook. They all insitsed on the hand gestures. They looked like dickheads and so me being me and on my last day with that company I pointed this out.
Eventually the kids compromised and acted like normal people for one photo only.
It's funny how when we brought the photos up on the computer that it was the normal ones they eventually chose to represent them.
Ah most wise as usual.
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