If I don't get awards for this post then there is no justice in the world.

Does beauty fade? is it in the eye of William Holden? if its skin deep then theres a lot of hot fat people out there and we don't even know it.
I don't put the words "young" and "hot" together I put the words "young" and "stupid" together.

Beauty doesn't fade it just changes, it can always be there in some form even if the physical form of it has given up years ago. Go to the plastic surgeon and get yerself airbrushed or go find some deeper meaning to yer existence than just being a human ornament.
I like beautiful people but just to look at as the courts deemed it not suitable for me to touch them anymore. Usually they are boring as fuck so just sit there and look good, who laughed when they first heard David Beckham squeak, er I mean speak? ha! there is a God.
I like beautiful people but just to look at as the courts deemed it not suitable for me to touch them anymore. Usually they are boring as fuck so just sit there and look good, who laughed when they first heard David Beckham squeak, er I mean speak? ha! there is a God.

He reminds me of a ghey Christian Bale type whose balls haven't dropped yet.
Helen Keller who was that chick that bent the spoons once said:
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart.
I have no idea what she was on when she said that but hearts don't give me the horn. Only a cardiologist would tug the lad or double click her mouse to "Heart transplant monthly" as would a Proctologist get off to "Bungholes digest." Never mind ear, nose and throat, I'd be a "tits and ass" Doctor.

I've heard the brain is the largest sex organ, well that explains psychiatrists those sick fuckers and their brain bukkake films , does that mean people with smarts are better in bed? as Padma Lakshmi and sir Salman Rushdie are getting divorced ya both aren't so clever now (Padma call me)

I'd rather be dumb with a big dick and great technique than over educated with a cocktail sausage between my legs and know that the Magna Carter isn't a bloody Michael Caine film but not know that the Willy goes into the Wendy (well most times it does)
I'm happy being intelligent (compared to what?) and having a huge penis but its a cross to bear, you give yer lady friend 10 orgasms every night for a year and one night you only give her 5 (due to having a wank earlier in the day because sometimes you just have to) and she thinks you don't love her any more or have lost yer edge. Yer only as good as yer last multiple orgasm. I'm sure you all have been there or know someone that has a friend who has been there, well you know me but don't go thinking I'm yer friend ya cunts.
The sweeping statement used by ugly weemen is that "pretty gurls can't fuck" I suggest you take this challenge pretty gurls of the world and shag me at once but who am I to judge? as I have been asked many a time, oh yeah I'm a "Judge" I became one via the Interweb and I won't charge ya for the pleasure.

Can you spot what shes doing wrong? god love her I had to spend hours with her just teaching her how to shower, I'm like the horse whisperer for bimbos. Now if I could only get her potty trained, I don't mine it on my chest but sometimes I fall asleep and wake up with what looks like an assplosion in a fudge factory.
*maybe I am, objectification and self-gratification go hand in hand or is it hand over fist?*
"the brain is the largest sex organ..." Not Where I Come From!
A.) Bollocks. Beauty does fade. Unless you're Lulu or Amanda Redman in which case you just get more shaggable.
B.) Cleveland steamer's are for silky-boys hot lunching is where it's at.
Well, I must agree with ya. I'd rather have a dummy with a big dick and technique, than anything else. But I can be a shallow mucksavage. Now, it's been a rough rode, adjusting to this getting old business. Rather than starting over, I'm gonna keep to myself, get old, have cats, write books, drink all nite, sleep all day, till they have to put my ass in the nursing home.
OMFG, I can't breathe from laughing so hard, and I can't share whats so funny with the friends I'm staying with because they have a 12 your old in the home too, maybe later.
You're too damn funny for any stinking awards man! They'll have to come up with a new one just for you...
tony I heard you didn't understand the whole sex organ thing and got thrown out of the church for filling up the pipes.
niolk those weemen look like cats now they've had so much work done. I heard the rusty trombone was cumming back into fashion, my Da will be pleased.
babs men go on to look good with age like Sean Connery, I am waiting to get my second wind/chance at being a stud.Weemen can get their hole at anytime no matter the age, they just have to show up and be eager.
fusion there are awards for me, its called the "flag this post award"
You know, I just watched The Last Samurai the other evening, so I'm sort of on a Japanese kick right now. Hot women but a stupid movie; which makes picture no. 1 very pleasing. But, I'd have to say, no. 2 is the winner by far. Possibly the closest to a 10 I have seen. Thanks for that...
I'm the wife whisperer, always have been....
fat thomas I knew you'd like this post.
manuel if they are fish wives you might have to shout and swear instead of whisper.
Hello, Mr Knudsen. I'd like to...
Sorry, I can't get past brain bukkake. I'm going to have to go away and reflect for a bit, and other things too.
PS after reading your Hero of the Week piece, may I request that you post more pictures of men with weapons in their fists?
Mr Eater I have told you before that in all good conscience I cannot post those pictures you sent me.
Ah, who was resonsible for the poor man's tie? It's absolutly silly!
Heh heh. 'the Magna Carter isn't a bloody Michael Caine film'.
mago the guy wears skirts and uses too much hair products he is silly.
fatman its was the "bloody" wasn't it?
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