C'mon Bob fix it baby build it baby. Is this the worse sexual role playing ever or what?
Old Knudsen is a nice fella no matter what anyone else says, sure I have a jest or two at the expense of others and will stop when they start to cry, well usually. A while back I had a post called "Hot Midget sex" and it was about Tom and Katie getting married, I just wanted to waste the pervert's time. So I was going through my shite meter and what do you know I found people still looking for midgets having sex. I felt a pang of guilt as what if it was me looking for "hot interracial anal action" as I am prone to do and found a post about Tom and Katie, well that would be my mood all gone looking at their smug white teeth and dead eyes so here is a happy wee midget named Mungo having sex.

What technique the funky looking wee fucker has, "look mummy gurl parts, make go pee pee."
Are you all happy now my perverts of the night? Mungo has to go back to his cage and eat his doggy styled treat.
Mungo is in fact my co-author on "Tiny People With Big Foreheads Have Needs Too - How To Cater For Dwarfism in the Bedroom". The hard back didn't do too well, something about being too big and heavy, so it's out now in paperback for 39p in all good book stores.
We lost Mungo some time ago in a Polish hoor's cavern. He's sorely missed.
Actually Da, I thought you were a witty fuck, not a dumb fuck and I've yet to see you post any pics of you getting your arse licked. Damn, did I miss something? What someone didn't get picked when we were playing volleyball? Just a tad bit cynical? You know what I say, Da?
Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke and choke 'em if they can't take a fuck.
Another one bites the dust. oh well. It's quite evident that there are just so many people with the charm and humor of a snake. I trample snakes and wear tall leather boots, so's they can't bite.
Sister Bridgit looks just like Mungo!
Knudsen deleting comments? If the diddums can't take it, the diddums shouldn't give it.
fearfinkAll Mungo wanted was just a little head.
sister midget Still you keep cuming back, why do you want so much attention? go start a Blog why don't you, of thats right you did, haha. When you argue with idiots you become an idiot, talking to you makes me feel stupid.
DBS yer opinion of me matters theres doesn't, hard to respect the back biters.
Mr Eater Mungo means dog or hound so I think you might be on to something there.
anonymous nope not threatened at all, I'm funny yer not end of story, you are jealous.
Ted Bass yeah another one, think of something else, if you don't like it don't read it I don't care.
fat thomas thanks for yer support. I can take it but why should I when I can delete? they mean nothing to me but dickheads going out of their way to insult me why should I keep their comments up? get a blog get highly popular be the funniest fucker in the room and see the insecure mongs try to take you doon. Sad really.
I think quite a few of your readers found my blog by accident cause I get a lot of this kind of thing on my sitemeter too. I think I will just link to this post to save them time and frustration.
I see you blocked poor old anonymous from commenting. I'm going to miss his witty bravado and erudite humour.
I love your blog Mr Knudsen keep up the great work.
eddie Waring everyone should have the right to midget sex.
Anonymous has to work to leave comments now though most of my current trolls do set up profiles and slack arsed blogs. They are going to a lot of trouble to get me to delete their comments, its their time to waste I'm laughing at them.
Mr Man I have no reason not too.
Dear God, his legs are going blue.
But his balls aren't.
Theres just something massively wrong about midgets. They're creepy, especially with breakfast. Note to self, only read old K after lunch.
Hitler had a whole pack of midgets for experiments so they must be handy for something.
oh dear god, that pic gave me the creeeeeps
So someone used my "name" to post on your blog...That was very nice...Would I ever use a word like diddums?
Oh yea, midget sex rocks!!!
Ms Smackit gave me the horn.
fat thomas I suspected as much but I couldn't be arsed to track it and yes it does.
I think he's trying to scratch the pain off.Or maybe, he's trying to wake it up? I'd do a midget. Then again, no one is safe, once I make the decision to, well, shall we say get the engine serviced? Good grief, it's been 19 months and counting. I think I may have blue balls.
I pity the midgets once you've got the horn.
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