Remember Mickey Rouke? he is a twat of the first order, him and his IRA tattoos, he also thinks hes a boxer well I'll knock his fuck in if he ever cums round to Killamory. When hes not doing exercise in his tight man briefs (panties) with his nuts hanging out hes looking ugly being all botoxed up and carrying his little dog Loki, yep he named it after a God, he had a cat called Muhammad but it kept blowing up, at least Loki only tries to end the world now and again, theres tablets for that you know.
I am fucking raging today so stand back, this has been building up for a while but after 17 years I can not take it any more.
I hate people that buy those little shitty yappy dogs, any little dog that they fuss over, kiss on the mouth and talk baby to, those little rat sized bite sized fuckers that are dressed up in little ity bity clothes and eat better food than I do.
My turds have more personality than those things and whats more I hate it that these dumb as a testicle owners carry the dogs everywhere.
Big tough men carry their little foo foo doggies, its one thing getting a big German Shepard called Wolfie as a penis substitute to match yer big red shiny sports car and super fast motor boat but men who carry their little bow wows are well, how should I say this ? so ghey it makes the gheys wince.
Dogs used to be the majestic wolf, masters of the wilderness lords of the wild hunt, now they stand with big lemur like bug eyes and tremble, you could kick one of those fuckers clear across the road. Fuck I hate Lemurs.

Heres that dumb hoor Paris Hilton and her dogs named Sheeba, its the only name she can remember. Why does she bother to carry a lead? when she walks the dogs its her thats doing the walking. I don't see her plastic bag to pick up the shit that rolls doon her legs (from the dogs hopefully) shame on you Hilton you ex con on the edge.
"Fuck you Knudsen, you call me ghey once shame on you, you call me ghey twice um what was I saying? oh yeah GO TEXAS LONGHORNS YEAH!"
I wonder when the Botox look became popular for men...Check out that upper lip. That's 9 1/2 weeks cool, fo sho.
They think they get small dogs we won't figure out how bad their "Penis Envy" really is.
I only have penis envy when I have to pee outside while camping and it 40 degrees below zero.
I kind of like a president who flips people the bird.
Doggydoggydoggyy ...
They are called "One-kick-only"-dogs for a reason.
You asure me that the pic shows Rourke? I thought he would look like Bukowski after a hard weekend and not like, well Barbie's friend ...
kate isis that's his foreign policy.
tickersoid well thats an interesting way to do it.
mago remember don't pick at yer spots. You mean Klaus Barbie I'd be dissapointed if you meant the doll.
Mrs CeCrux Poor Bush is just so clueless but so amusing to me, the class dunce got to be King, excellent.
What's worse is that these owners will want to show off their little critters in dog shows. Who cares if these little rodents have the best grooming or comes from a long line of champions? It's when they have to fight for dear life against each other that they begin to show spirit. Plus we can bet on them then.
I hate it when the owners let them rub up your legs, then giggle and say 'oh,he likes you'.
No he doesn't. He might be the size of a tortoise but what he is doing is taking advantage of my politeness as a guest to have a go at dominating me.
But if you step on their paws they tend to crush and then the whole tea party goes awry. Why do people allow it? They wouldn't think it at all reasonable for their sons to suddenly drop their pants and start rubbing up against you.
Although to be fair, my neighbours have got some very attractive sons and I might not complain if they did.
The ancestors of the modern-day chihuahuas were originally bred by the Aztecs to be sacrificed, and their flesh was sometimes ceremonially eaten.
..... do you know, I was unaware of the avidity for the smaller breeds by show people. Now that I am acquainted with the facts, I must say that it does not really concern me over~much.
Such a rococo desideratum for attention is dismal. I would think it best to banish all thought of it Old Knudsen.
Knudie, you shouldn't have changed the caption under Fuhrer Busch....
"The bitch is in heat so she's getting this right now. And yeah, no pal of mine's doing 30 months."
My cat 'The Ginger Monster' often attacks these pitiful whelps. They usually end up as magpie food.
I turn a blind eye to it because I, like you Knudsen, hate the fucking things.
Such anger expressed over something picayune is quite puzzling to me-
"that swollen faced bare knuckled arse bandit."
I'm not saying that there are issues you could get agitated about that are possibly more worthy of your animus. But what will it be next? Italians not wearing socks?
You betray your decadence Knudsen et al...
(it's just an opinion like)
sugar, where i live, dawgs like that are called "shark bait"
I think Mickey would be very hurt indeed to be called picayune. On the other hand, being referred to as a "swollen faced bare knuckled arse bandit" at least evidences some distant memory of his personage, something he is probably increasingly grateful for in his dotage.
And frankly, if you can't get angry over fat old men displacing god knows what onto frail little pukes of dogs, how are you meant to tackle the real issues, such as whether or not the colour pink has had its day ?
I posted that same picture of BUsh, but a tad different on my blog yesterday...we must be brain linked! Paris enjoys sticking her little dogs up her poon so they can feast on the crabs!
I've seen a picture of Barbie recently. A little like Brando as Kurtz ...
Rourke is to small for all of these: Bukowksy, Barbie, Brando, Kurtz, even the doll is larger.
I've seen a picture of man once. Richard Burton going together with his dad to a pup. Was printed in Live. Fathers and sons ..
fatman I have bested many of these wee fuckers in a fight, they can't take air rifles either.
respectable old Lady having rubbed up on many a leg I let the wee feela finish before I boot him across the room, I'm nice like that.
fat sparrow back then the breed was called lunchables.
aaaaaachu hussey glad to see you're above being an attention hoor I shall expect yer blogging resignation within the hour and no big words in it.
conan drumm you'd survive 5 seconds in her hood its no surprise she went to prison.
fearfink I don't know much about you but I do like the term " bare knuckled arse bandit."
jenny blogjinxed indeed, my post has been in drafts just waiting to pounce for the last month.I effect the whole Blogosphere so I am led to think its all a part of my imagination .
amber dalton squeezing the shit out of a foo foo dog would be a YouTube I'd watch. I only make you mad because of the sexual tension I create, I get a lot of that.
mago The horror, they stoned the poor mouse and now hes got his 72 virgins, thats one less twat we have to deal with. I'd love to see what the mouse puts on his resume now.
Look now, it seems I have ruffled your feathers and I a mere Milquetoast. And it is only because of a misunderstanding on your part. I did not intend to adumbrate that you had a desperate craving for attention (might you not though?) No you addle~puss I meant those aspirant gascons (your media types).
I'm sure if you did have a problem with me you'd e-mail me right? (with no big words)
... therefore the only way of thwarting them, is to ignore them.
Comprenez ?
I have no problem with you what~so~ever Mr. Knudsen. You are a true illuminati, and a pleasure to dip into.
Is English yer second language then? thats ok lad I get lots of Yanks and a few thwarts here too.
Are you suggesting that I am a colonial! No Knudsen no. Blighty born and bread.
aa aye Hussey I see you took the link you had up to me doon I can't be that much of a pleasure and just as I was going to link to you.
As you know there are forces amassing against me its the cutting the heads off the tallest flower syndrome Jesus was the same.Fucking Jews.
I don't give a shit what others do on their blogs, they can invent 12 personas and have them at each others throats for all I care.Its boring. I know you aren't a yank, I just wish you'd speak straight so if I say, hey did you say that? you'll say no I meant this, very passive agressive. I shall ignore the media bum boys until they a)say something interesting or b) grow up, its not time to name and shame just yet.
tony the market for white dog turds fell through in the 70's, a real shame. Never lend yer computer to Mr Glitter, he breaks it then the police take it, I learned the hard way.
the little cheese a post that evokes such emotion and some would rather I didn't post it, what are they afraid of the truth?
I have a Jack Russell. It's small, but if you pick it up you won't go home with all your limbs.
It eats several of these little fuckers every time I take it for a walk.
I like Jack Russells they are in no way a foo foo dog, well done Mr The Robber.
She tried numbering them, guess how that turned out.
You're right, Mr Knudsen. Jack Russell's are not foo foo dogs. A Jack Russell in full-blown rage is a very, very scary proposition, and especially frightening to curious tinkers. That's why I love my dog so much.
Anyone who defends foo foo dogs, or who doesn't want to talk about foo foo dogs, obviously wants the terrorists to win.
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