I was young and needed the money. This pic was stolen from MJ at Infomaniac don't worry she won't know shes on her holidays.
Some people say I'm asking for it the way I dress and all and I say is," when you have all this going on why not show it off ?" I have been tagged by that bird of paradise lost Fat Sparrow for a fucking meme. "8 things no one knows about me" as I have already done 101 things long ago that got largely ignored I won't be doing this one, if you want a meme from me go to my meme blog on the right there.

My blog is under moderation due to a bad one night stand that turned out to be psycho, oh and a bloke. I didn't mind the bloke part but now they have become a pest, oh yeah they love the taste of Knudsen. Don't worry gentle readers yer comments will get through as usual and you won't notice a thing.
Rejoice for Gog is first!
You disgust me Brother Knudsen but I still love you.
I hope you don't love me in a ghey way, Old Knudsen don't swing that way.....much.
A lot of my former wives were disgusted by me but still loved me, much like my blog readers.
So does the first picture mean that you're taking over for Manuel waiting tables this week?
I believe I'd be the worse waiter ever, I just like the feel of stockings.
babs I thought it was the liver spots.
In the second pic your torso looks like the face of a troll. How do you achieve that effect? Advanced photo-shop?
You didn't complain last night.
I'm going to have to throw a party, just so you can come over wearing that french maid outfit, Yeah!
What's with the cricket bat in the top picture?
Most fetching pictures Old K, anyone told you how pretty you are?
Oh my, Old K. My thong is now damp, and I believe I am about to swoon.
ms blue is there money involved?
Mr eater thats a chair, "what chair?" I'm alright how are you? well it was funny 60 years ago.
the little cheese sorry I've gone all bashful now.
janiebelle I'm just soiled my thong, not the same is it?
Ka-Chow, you are a hot French maid. Smokin'.
Mercy boco as we say, and by the way its "Freedom maid"
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