Mariane Pearl the widow of Daniel Pearl the journalist who was executed by Al-Qaeda (who are also the cowards behind my spamming) is suing the fuck out of several Pakistani banks who have financially funded the terrorist group. A very American thing to do but this time its ok unlike cases of whiplash and the trauma of lost dry cleaning. In a moment of clarity just as the drink was wearing off me and my painkillers started to kick in I realised what was needed for the messiah to come again and to save the world from evil.
Ms Pearl needs to hook up with John Smeaton who tackled terrorists at Glasgow airport while on his smoke break and they need to fornicate and produce a child,who would become the ultimate defender against Al-Qaeda. The child named Soren (after me) would be the master of small claims courts everywhere, Osmama would dread the court appearances as he would cum to fear the second hand smoke little Soren would blow in his face.

Soren being an abbreviation of "Sore'un" which in turn is an abbreviation of "Sore-One" which is your nickname 'cause you take it up the bum. BAM!
What the world needs is for Michael Collins and Cuchullian to be resurrected and sicked upon the bad lads they'd sort those Al-Queerda cunts out right quick.
Wouldnae be the first time we'd saved the world.
You Bammed me yet again (in the arse) Bam! Michael Collins and Cuchullian huh? MC did give us the 6 counties, well done that fenian. Cuchullian or setanta as I remember him being called in the early days was like Superman and James Bond rolled into one. I don't remember the saving the world bit unless Flash Gordon was a paddy.
What if John and Mariane had a daughter like Lara Croft or Ripley or any other woman that saved the day? At any rate, it sounds like a wise plan.
As long as they wore tight outfits I really don't see a problem.
This is why we bow to you! There is nothing else to say.
Yeah, Lara Croft...
she could handle all the shit for sure..
Hey she already owns some helicopters of colour, doesn't she?
I want a neon green one ;)
dear prudence I wondered what the reason was.
fusion I get the horn over the computer version not the film version, how odd.
..i mean that in a the nicest possible way, you understand.
i have nothing but respect for a man who kicks a flaming terrorist in the balls so hard he breaks his foot. tell ya what, send him to me. the fact that i've been surgically rendered unable to procreate aside.
i never would have taken you for a believer in a messiah, sugar...i've always thought of you as the kickass take no prisoners sort...but wtf do i know being southern and american and a woman
first nations that 'do ya think i'm sexay' thing above. the post was shit.
I think you mean "The Shit" thats the way the younguns say it. Inspired By spammers it means if you comment you automatcially think I'm sexy, I thank you.
savannah I sometimes suspect myself of being the messiah, there you now know something.
Crap! Brilliant Idea. Yah, I do like a man in a kilt. :0)
"helicopters of color" just pissed myself. thanks.
I'm sure I'm not the only man that thinks an incontinent woman is dead sexy.
Well done Knudgy Setanta was indeed Cuchullain's name before he kicked the shit out of Cujo.
We've saved the world shitloads. The most memorable being the way we preserved Christianity through the dark ages while everyone else was eating coal and fucking there sisters.
I love it, hah!
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