I'm breaking my 'All gorillas should be hunted doon, killed and have their hands made into ashtrays' stance to ask, "Is gorilla love the most honest kind of love?"

I'm breaking my 'All gorillas should be hunted doon, killed and have their hands made into ashtrays' stance to ask, "Is gorilla love the most honest kind of love?"
It's possible that Roselyn Sanchez has just removed her false teeth to eat that banana.
There's another BJ tip for ya. No charge for that, by the way.
I'm always suspicious of people who get dressed up to cum out.
MJ no charge? not like you to say that.
sean still going bareback then?
I'm always suspicious of anyone wanting to wear a gorilla outfit.
You stick to the school gurl outfits lass, not literally well maybe a bit.
Apparently bananas are a good way of practising deep thr .... sorry.... be right back I got a bit of fruit lodged in my windpipe
God, my ex girl was lazy as hell. No interest in learning to deep-throat.
ellie I was only kidding when I told you that you needed more practice.
matt and thats why she is an ex.
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