Saturday 7 July 2007

Horny Old Sea Dog.

For fear of upsetting those who demand that I constantly entertain them for free I shall yet again post what I want to. I was watching yon Live Earth concert for a little bit and for the most it was a load of shite, who the fuck were these people? get Glenn Miller or Dame Vera Lynn on for God's sake these no-bodies were shite, preachy preachy wank wank from rich fuckers.

I don't get very excited these days as I've seen it all but some times I get surprised. In Hamburg performing in front of the Hamburgers was a lass called Shakira. Along with her was a little black fella named Wyclef hey don't ask me that's his fucking name. They did this song about Shakira's hips not lying while the wee lad loped about like the Planet of the apes, who gives a fuck about him though? not the camera man that's for sure I'd say that Shakira with her wiggling arse and thrusting dance moves got 99% face/bum time. I was tapping my foot and rubbing my stump (I only have one leg remember and my stump gets sore) I was in a fine mood afterwards lucky that Mrs Keane next door was away to the shaps or I'd be round there for a buck at her.
I must now go google the lass and see if I can get an e-mail address, let the stalking commence .


Ms. Kimba said...

ah so now I missed Shakira coz I left the fucking party early..great!

ellie said...

A hint of approval from the Bitter One? You will be changing your background colour next!!!!!

Around My Kitchen Table said...

Mr K. - what have you done? You appear to have upset some of your readers. Why are they surprised at finding something objectionable in a blog written by "a base and vile brabbler"? I'm only surprised when I find something half pleasant.

Ms. Kimba said...

I don't know who is Old K or this guy!!

FirstNations said...

old knudson will always hold 'First of the Worst' place in my heart.

'First of the Wurst' is presently held by another fellow entirely.

Fantomas said...

These fucking people don't care about anything but money...This is a only a clever marketing scheme, and people are falling for it! Not that I don't support these issues, but I get sick and tired of people lining their own pockets with the guise of saving the planet. The Empire State Building is one of the FUCKING sponsors for chrissake. WTF...

Old Knudsen said...

Mrs Cecrux He is worse as I don't post YouTubes.

ellie horny and happy are not the same thing, hence all the crying after sex.

amkt Jealous IT bloggers from the south of England, doesn't matter what I post.

first nations you don't have a heart.

fat thomas they fall for this because they fall for the Global Warming crap.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cecrux
Nice find this seedstem - but is an unfair competition because on one hand, in da red corner: Sören Ironfist Knuhuuudsen - and on da blue corner a socalled team, of wankers of course, heck they have no chanche hence all these towels ...

Anonymous said...

Hööhöö, capt'n Vogon on tour ...

Old Knudsen said...

Captain Invincible if you don't mine.

Anonymous said...

I watched that particular performance. I too grew bored with it. I can't stand Shakira and her Shakira/Kermit the Frog voice. But she is pretty hot. Not voluptuous but a bit caliente'. We can go Dutch, huh?

Anonymous said...

BTW, in answer to what we talked about, I have my IT Dept. looking at it. Us Keelers must stick together, huh Da?

Old Knudsen said...

Kermit? that wee sexy frog? she should have done a song with him, pure wanking material.

The Little Cheese said...

Careful of your ticker Old K, that Shakira is a firecracker or so I have heard.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

They won't do it ever as Miss Piggy put her hoof down on that idea. jealousy rears it's ugly head.

Old Knudsen said...

the little cheese but what a way to go.

dbs damn it.