Friday 27 September 2013

Addicted To Panto

Comedy duo Willie Frazer and Jamie Bryson attended court today for Frazer's charge of incitement to violence.
Frazer had said he would dress as fellow radical fundamentalist and friend Abu Hamza who faced similar charges. Mr Frazer believes the charges are a disgrace and that he and Mr Hamza are innocent.

Jamie Bryson took the opportunity to display his love of the Twilight movies and dressed as Bella which was incidentally his nickname while in prison. Bryson lives and breathes Twilight and wants to be a sparkly vampire when he grows up.

Fellow Loyalist Jim Dowson often posed as a gurl named Alice to get quick online kicks so it is not a surprise that Bryson has also cum out.

It is thought that Bryson wore tape over his mouth while dressed as a gurl to give the message 'nil by mouth, deliveries round the back'  he has just had some tongue surgery done to try to correct his lisp and so his mouth is out of order for now.

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