Monday 3 December 2007

Toy Safety Is For The Weak

Its coming up to Christmas and you still don't know what to get that little terrorist in the family. What about an "Explode me Muhammad?" have hours of endless fun ranting about the west and then you push the button for realistic explosive carnage, each Explode me Muhammad comes with its own bag of heavy duty nuts and bolts that can be added for that extra special bit of holy bloodshed.

The English teacher Gillian Gibbons is back in the civilised UK after two British Muslims peers went over to secure her release. One of those peers Baroness Warsi has gone into Old Knudsen's wank bank though I don't support her politics but its not her politics that gives Old Knudsen a stiffy.

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, I want to make babies with you to unite our two communities.

Gibbons was given a presidential pardon and now Sudan is quite embarrassed.

Not very good friends with the UK due to Gordon Brown threatening sanctions all the time because of the Dafur genocide President al-Bashir of the Sudan saw the teddy bear fiasco as a way to unite the ragheads and teach Britain a lesson.

Those Sudanese wogs aren't too smart and even staged protests with the calls for execution only made the rest of the world see them as idiots.

One of the most corrupt states in Africa, Sudan has earned a place in my gallery of wankers.


Perry Neeham said...

Gillian Gibbons used to supervise the school childrens games at breaktime. Apparently they were a bit slow at musical statues but bloody fast at pass the parcel.

Momentary Madness said...

Do they have any teds with burkas on. I'd like it to be a real surprise.
The school teacher had a real good time and she wouldn't want to put people off from going and there is a teacher vacancy ....... for gods sake what knid of drugs is she on; when you find out tell me. I want them quick, they have such a calming effect I've never seen before.

Jenny said...

Since when did Teddy Bears become Number 1 on our list of terrorists?

That Blow Me Up Teddy picture is funny.

witchypoo said...

Gallery of Wankers, who else woulda even thunk of it?
Wondering how a country could be a wanker, unless I misunderstand the term wanker.

Anonymous said...

You cannot go aroond calling those wogs "wogs", those wogs don't like it.

h said...

I'm not sure if this blog is disturbing or brilliant.

Old Knudsen said...

ron they don't knoe what stairs are I doubt they can use computers.

artful sub if you get it and wade through the hidden messages and in jokes then you'll see my blog is brilliantly disturbing.

Marteen said...

The Baroness is certainly fit. I'm sure I saw her first!