Saturday 27 October 2018

Make America Blow Up Again

So the plot was that bombs were sent to Obama, the Clintons, CNN, George Soros, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, John Brennan, Robert De Niro, Joe Biden, Cory Booker, James Clapper, Kamala Harris, Tom Steyer ... all rudimentary but potentially fatal.

Of course, Trump suggests it was a Democrat hoax. Some random person on Twitter told Old Knudsen he should be ashamed of blaming the GOP ... as usual they got it all wrong. Old Knudsen blamed the right wing nutjobs not the GOP ... those that have embraced the Nazis and Nationalist ideals duh! 

Don't compare Trump to Hitler or you'll get blown up motherfucker!

If you send viable bombs to people that have spoken out against Trump then common sense doesn't say conspiracy but rather the hate-filled semi-retarded people that voted for Trump ... duh! 

Trump has called the media the enemy of the people at least 18 times ... but it's the media's fault for having bombs sent to them. Abuser deflecting and blame shifting 101.   

She deserved to be raped etc ... 

Belittle it as bomb stuff and suggest the Democrats have been sending bombs to themselves. You see how crazy that seems right? I'm hoping you do or else perhaps you should be on meds. 

Cesar Sayoc, now known as the MAGA bomber had these pictures to black out his free hugs van. Sayoc who is Filipino and Italian but claims to be Native American because he ain't all there is a 56 year-old that lives with his mom. So a typical impotent raged Trump supporter.

He has a vehicle parts shop in the city of Plantation which is, of course, is in Florida ... land of the high and home of the cray.

Old Knudsen wouldn't be surprised if he was a virgin too. 

Fox news will no doubt try to dismiss this story but as with most criminals and Trump supporters Sayoc is as thick as fuck and left DNA and fingerprints all over the devices. Don't lick the stamps dude, have you never watched CIS? 

His package address typos match his Twitter typos. What a loser. 

No matter what Trump says he is totally wrong and is trying to gaslight you. His supporters have issues and have anger and can be violent.  They cry victim when the left fights back because they are at their core fuckin pussys.  They are enabled by Trump and think they can grope women on planes because Trump has said it is ok to do so. 

This is not the behaviour or attitude of a real man, they respect women and defend the vulnerable. 

Unless you want more cray domestic terrorism then vote Democrat. It's way better than the Neo-Nazi in power now and perhaps the world won't laugh at the US as much ... don't be Putin's cock holster.  

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