Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Trump's Rags To Riches Struggle

Donald Trump gave an interview about his tough life. All Donald had was a cheap suit on his back, a battered old briefcase, a can do attitude and lashings of Trump charm. He scraped and clawed his way out of Brooklyn and into Manhatten with just his suit, a battered old briefcase and his wits and charm to become a billionaire.

The kind of rags to riches story that the US is famous for, he should totally be president.

How exactly did he do it? Well anyone can do it with just the right attitude and a lot of hard werk .... oh and his battered old case had $1 million inside.

He got a "small loan" as he put it from his father. He didn't have it easy, he had to repay it with interest and that was when $1 million could actually buy you shit. After the interview I'm sure that many Americans can now relate more to Donald Trump and not just to his racist misogynistic traits for he is just a poor slob like the rest of us.      

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