Saturday 15 March 2008

They Make Me Do It

Here is Eva Longoria enjoying a corndog or something. Why do they do it? I'm weak and have photoshop. By eating or even holding penis shaped objects to yer mouth you are enabling me to be sick.
Just ask Michelle Obama whom I actually like, besides being a lawyer she will speak honestly and will put her foot into her mouth by saying how Barack farts in bed or something. Here she is trying to get the white vote.

Then there are things like this. I just don't understand yer American sports, when a footballer (soccer to mongs) scores a goal he'll get a hug and a French kiss but the Yanks they disgust me, not that there is everything wrong with having yer shit pushed, unless yer Catholic of course.


M@ said...

Well, black guys like to touch each other.

The Mistress said...

I can get you a pic of FN eating a corn dog.

What'll you give me for it?

PENDULUM said...

Ah, sure you're a tortured poor soul- me heart goes out to you.
I wonder is it my imagination or?
you don't cumaccross so many black homosexuals. I guess what they say must be true.

Jenny said...

Don't even THINK about giving MJ the hat.

Other than that, I got nothing. I'm still trying to figure why I always visit here when I'm eating breakfast. So. Not. Smart.

ellie said...

Blogger ate my comment.

It was witty and I'm sure it would have cracked you up.
This cap quarrel could end up in a real bitch fight, kee your camera at the ready old man

Xmichra said...

See, longoria desirves your sickness+photoshop=funny photo. But Vince??? Why Vince man??