Saturday 20 October 2007

Touched By A Dumbledork

Jk Rowling the hack that wrote the Harry Potter books was answering questions from the audience at Carnegie Hall, New York and when one of the audience members said that her books were so ghey she said, "funny you should mention that because Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts is a wand stroking flaming homo ."

Everyone was stunned except the gheys as they think that everyone is ghey anyway.

Well it explains why Harry was made "head boy" and got such good grades, stay tuned for Daniel Radcliffe cumming out of the closet in years to cum, its so obvious, and no I'm not ghey.......... well maybe just a little bit.


Jeff G said...

Dumbledore really was the "headmaster" too. Funny how he fought to keep that position.

SamD said...

What I don't get is why people who liked them just fine before are now suddenly down on the books based on this "new knowledge."

The WORDS are entirely the same.

Bohemian in Korea said...

Lets see wears a dress, always pointing his thing at people, effete mannerisms...nope nothing ghey there!

Anonymous said...

It's a kids book and the stupid cow has to go and give one of the main characters a "ghey" badge just because she has some arse-bandit friends in the media and wants to keep them happy.

I for one won't let my kids read her trash anymore because of this shite.

How about we re-write some of Enid Blyton's stuff to comply with ghey protocol? How about a novel entitled "Noddy fucks Big-ears up the arse" or "Big-ears tosses Mr. Plod off"