Friday 31 August 2007

Yay Or Nay?

Is it just me or do other people find the alien leezer Condoleezza Rice kinda hot?

Speaking of hot, the hottest eye on the blogosphere 'My Reflecting Pool' just completed her 101 random facts on my sidebar c'mon you wimps get cracking the world needs to know you.


The Mistress said...

Who cares about Condi when Reflecting Pool admits to having 80 pairs of dirty panties?

I'd think you'd want to be right on that one.

willowtree said...

Alien or not, I wouldn't fuck Condi with your dick!

Now Buzz's wife, that's another matter. Hubba hubba!

Old Knudsen said...

mj that did attract my attention and I have e-mailed her to see if she'll give me them for um charity, yeah thats it.

willowtree I'll put you doon as a maybe on Condi and a yuck on lois.

Xmichra said...

That image is worse then the dog licking PB from that chick. Scared-for-life.

Old Knudsen said...

Like Hilary theres something about her, a fit wee body all the same.

nwtrunner said...

Condi caused a wee buzz here in Canuckistan last year when she was linked to a government Cabinet Minister from Nova Scotia. She was all over the telly and papers for a few days - me buddies and meself gave it some thought and agreed with your assertion that Condi is indeed kinda hot.

Now we're wondering if she, like other good upstanding Republicans, likes dirty sex in airport washrooms. Whatcha think Knudsen??

I can see I'm going to have to read Reflecting Pool's 100 list... 80 pairs you say?!

Old Knudsen said...

HA! I knew it, I'm sure she does the nasty any time any place anywhere and bites with those extra wide teeth, in fact I think I should go and lie doon now.

Captain Smack said...

Sure, I'd hit that. It's not like I have anything better to do.

Anonymous said...

Condoleeeeeeeeeza IS shit hot. No matter what the press make of her. One shit hot Grrrrrrrrrrllllllll.

And she don't know it. Pity.

Old Knudsen said...

captain Smack Rehab is a hard and boring place.

Ronknee It took a lot of guts to ask this question but it paid off.

Anonymous said...

I did her once. We were both drunk and I'm sure she wouldn't remember.

As for panties, I no longer have 80 pairs. I now have a husband and he does laundry! :)