Saturday 9 June 2007

Links Cum And Go

I recently linked to an amusing fellow with a blog entitled, "Men are better than weemen" he sent me an e-mail that was witty and charming claiming to want to link to the 'popular' blogs so my head was turned and so I checked it out , sure it was funny and amusing but grew a little tiresome, the argument was greatly flawed and why just go out of yer way to piss off weemen (as he seemed to be doing) unless you are a ghey woman hating serial killer, (no offense to the ghey women hating serial killers I know you have feelings too) I commented, not a great comment but still, it was based on his 'no weemen allowed' statement at the top of his blog.
I suggested that it was reversed psychology as many angry weemen were responding .
I later checked to see how my comment was answered to see if I was to remain as one of his linkers.
It seems he got a fuck load of commenters unlike me he leaves it for a day or so. I thought well he doesn't need my popular link and besides he doesn't give a link back so that makes him a cunt, plus he doesn't comment, an American probably .

I think he should work on his approach a bit more and maybe his argument as it sounds more bitter than funny and those silly weemen who engage him should wise up and just ignore him .

The thing men are better than weemen at the most is plumbing. Weemen may have been first and the man hating feminists may say that men are a faulty 'X' chromosome but men are the best with the pissing in the wild thing, also weemen's stench trenches are minging, don't go on about circumcision and keeping it clean to me when you weemen are dripping and oozing away, go on buy a *fanny* pad to stop yer gucky cunts.

So men are a better evolved woman, no yucky stench trench or period pains and hey its a man's world baby.

I may have wrote this but I still want to touch yer gurly parts, this post is just a bit of free thinking I feel superior than most male or female so its hard for me to tell.

*British for vagina*


Old Knudsen said...

If you ever delete my link I will cut out your eyes.

Old Knudsen said...

Um ok then.

fofufou said...

I pissed in a wild thing once, it was quite good.

Megan McGurk said...

Haven't you heard of the new pill called Lybrel? Women don't have to have periods anymore.

Manuel said...

Didnt Little Miss Manuel have a little talk to you about your friend Ned? Shes gonna be pissed that your still friends with him...

Megan McGurk said...

With friends like that who needs enemies?

Old Knudsen said...

I heard that one of the side effects of Lybrel was violent unreasonable aggression. Ned has his good side too.

I'm sure.

The Dog of Freetown said...

Ned's dead baby, Ned's dead.

DirtyBitchSociety said...

I don't know Da, I could give a shit about the likes of Dickless Masterson but he stepped on my porch first w/his lame ass comments. It is easier to ignore, is it not but the fighting spirit in me takes over and I wanna put a bullet in his ass, just for shits n giggles. On a realistic note, Men are better than women on many levels but women are better at other things, so the point is moot and the fight is futile and delinquent.
I wonder if he's asexual?

Eyebee said...

In Days of Old When Knights Were Bold,
And Ladies Weren't Invented,
A Man Drilled Holes in Telegraph Poles,
And Had To Be Contented.

I asked the wife if men were any use, she said, "nah, I can buy a huge dildo."

I think she is jealous of my Inflatable Sheep. It's Pure Wool too.

Old Knudsen said...

kieran you either remember a former post or you're just quotes Pulp fiction, I bet its the later.

babs I didn't even get a comment, I agree, you can't compare the two, they should compliment each other.

eyebee can a dildo mow the lawn?

babs that he is.