Monday 11 June 2007

Flash Gordon Will Save Us.

The future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain (sometimes including Northern Ireland and at the moment Scotland) on the left talking to 110 year-old war veteran Bill Jenkins .

"Intelligence should be kept separate from politics. " Well Mr Brown you are spot on, the Americans cannot be accused of using intelligence as Bush is on his second term and everyone knows *America is #1 fuck yeah.*

* this would be sarcasm incase you Yanks didn't know.*


Old Knudsen said...

Yes The Muppets are the best.

Anonymous said...

Its hard to travel as an American these days, unless your from Alaska or Hawaii,then your excused.

However, I have found beer to be a great equalizer in all countries.


Old Knudsen said...

I liked the story about the guy taken in the middle east as they thought he was an American, when his captors found him to be Canadian they were all friendly with him and let him go, they even swopped numbers.

Sassy Sundry said...

Fuck yeah, I got the sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

So, how many wars was that old veteran in anyhow? at 110 I can think not too many as he is still alive.

savannah said...

nobody really voted for dubya..he thugged his way in to office the second time...

Captain Smack said...

I do believe we're #1 in pollution - Woo-hoo! USA! USA! USA!

(oh, and convicted felons, which you'd think would go to Australia or something)

Manuel said...

the label made me wee wee with laughter

Eyebee said...

savannah,, you're right about dubya of course... the chad fiasco, and the GOP stooges he'd already got in place to fix the result. Wanker.

Old Knudsen said...

sassy good on ya gurl.

Ms Pool he has made tea for the troops through most of the main wars.

freah hell forgot to vote huh? I do that all the time.

eyebee I wipe my arse on the constituion but still its better than Brussels, not by much.

savannah Oh c'mon after 9/11 no one said boo to him and just did what they were told, and anyway Kerry was the alternative, its either dumb or dumber.

Captain Smack you've got stiff competition from China, quick go out and burn some trees or something.
The US now imports convicts from Australia, you'll find them acting in films with Yank accents.

manuel I have that trouble without the laughing.

eyebee you're so angry today, the US got the government they deserve.

Fresh Hell said...

Check out this site: John Kerry is a Douchebag, But I'm Voting for him Anyway

That was how I voted, for the record.