Saturday 19 May 2007

Its Sticking Out

The age of the average Blogger is in the mid thirties and they are full of issues and insecurities, doomed in other words so I am here to help. If you want to engage in psychological warfare with yer mother for not hugging you enough as a child and have already done the getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, smoking and staying out without calling home etc then here is the ultimate passive aggressive ploy for attention and annoyance. Continually walk around in her presence with the label of yer shirt sticking out and pretend not to hear her when she mentions it .

Warning this act of non aggressive may trigger the onset of OCD in yer mother if done correctly.


Sassy Sundry said...

My mother already has OCD, and she'd just fix the thing.

Old Knudsen said...

keep pulling it out, she'll be a cabbage in no time.

savannah said...

mid-30s the average age? jeus mirimba!!! i'm too fucking old for this!

ellie said...

Great idea but will it stop her spitting on a tissue and wiping my face clean?

Old Knudsen said...

savannah it just means we are above average.

babsbitchin I am here to help.

ellie maybe you should wash yer face now and again.