Monday 5 February 2007

Old Knudsen Seeks A Wife With Monkey Lips.

Now this is what I am talking about, c'mon men you've watched Songs of Praise and have been turned on by the close ups of the singers.

Do you hear the song birds singing in the trees? do you get beat up by a gang of thugs , smile and shake it off? well you must be in love. I Old Knudsen am in love, not a pure angelic love with the woman of my dreams high up on a pedestal, but a dirty, sweaty this will be over in a minute kind of love that leaves a stain and a musty odour.
I have mentioned song birds and angels and the target of my obsessive stalking is an angelic song bird named Meav . I don't know her last name and don't see that as a problem, shes a dirty Dubliner but my love is blind.

See why my love is blind? shes a cracker.

My beautiful Meav sings on the Celtic Woman CDs and concerts and when the camera settles on her as she holds a long note with her chest swelling I start to feel quite anxious.
It reminds me of when I was arguing with my 2nd wife over something silly like leaving loaded guns all over the hoose (the nazis do want me dead) and she said about her getting killed and how would I be able to life with myself then, well it took me all of 3 seconds to reply and I said, "as long as you die with yer mouth open making monkey lips I'll be ok, in fact our sex live might greatly improve".
No idea why that marriage failed, she must of secretly have been a leezer.
Here is a link to my darling Meav, and just remember shes mine.


Vic said...

Your second wife met me, and was far more intrigued. It's okay. I'll stay away from your new lady.

Old Knudsen said...

vic its bad enough that other blokes are competition.

MJ I'm sure she can shes perfect.

sassy sundry no one? I hold out hope.

Kav said...

There's something filthy about her, that's for sure.

Old Knudsen said...

you know what those Orish are like, always sticking things into holes, nice avatar.

The Mistress said...

I'd like more Fenian cocksucking on this blog, please.

Bock the Robber said...

That's my niece you're talking about there. You'd better catch onto yourself right now, and not be making prurient comments about the little girl that I practically raised myself after her parents were almost torn to pieces by a troop of protestant orang-utans in the forests of Sumatra. (While trying to help them).

Old Knudsen said...

mj I tried sucking a fenian cock once but the feathers kept choking me.

ill man what are you suggesting? pistols at dawn sir.

Mr The Robber niece huh? so you can put in a good word for me, sorry about the parents, they were probably Free Presbyterian Orang-utans, a bunch of fanatics.

Fatman said...

I'm kinda glad to know that I'm not the only one who leaves loaded weaponry around the house in case of a Nazi invasion. Or zombies.