Sunday 7 January 2007

Folk Song.

Its a day for dying it seems so enjoy old Knudsen's dark mood as he and his black dog honour and dishonour the dead, here is a folk song by Anonymous, usually they are writing stupid insults and comments before scuttling off but I like this.

At the boarding house where I live
Things are getting very old.
Long grey hairs are in the butter
And the cheese is green with mold.
When the dog died we had sausage.
When the cat died, catnip tea.
When the landlord died I left it;
Spareribs are too much for me.


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

EEEUUWWW! long grey hairs in the butter. Enough to make my breakfast re-appear. Old K you truly turned me off with that albeit wittily and ably written verse.
What are you up to today then Old K? How do you spend your day? Try to give a straight answer if you will. lol.

The Dog of Freetown said...

Lynn you depraved Babylonian, allow me to answer your question, since I am in fact the case handler at SIS for the man you know as "Old Knudsen."

Today Old Knudsen is trying to fix the flux capacitor in his De Lorean DMC-12 so that he can go back in time and buy shares in Johnsons baby oil. He is also going to write approximately 35 posts, 1 of which he will publish.

And he'll get the clap.

Scout said...

What an interesting idea, Lynn, asking Old K a question like that.. clever. Old Knudson, you have no idea how much I needed this little laugh this morning. I love the song!

Sassy Sundry said...

This seems like the type of song that little boys at summer camp would love.

Poor noodle guy with the awful name.

boudica of suburbia said...

Singing my life with his words, he was.

tony said...

i have written those words down.
On Friday night @ The Carry-Oh-Key i will sing it in the style of Frank doing "MY WAY"
Thank You Knudson.........youve helped make me A Star...........(swivels hips&pouts in an Elvis Presley kind of way)

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

That might be the most moving song, ever. Kieran's stuff looks like mere Britney-fluff in comparison - although recent photos suggest that Britney-fluff, if it exists, is a fleeting thing indeed, only visible briefly between Brazillians.

Happy New Year, y'ole goat.

Old Knudsen said...

lynn you're asking if I'm ghey aren't you? yes I'm straight, I will answer yer question in a post.

kieran shes from babyland? very close lad, but you forgot the hatecrimes, a full day.

robyn God gives us what we need not what we want, yep hes a cunt.

sassy sundry imagine being remembered as the noodle guy, better than motherfukyou I suppose.

boudica of suburbia but without the midgets I suspect.

dh Dog of colour is the correct term, they have feelings you know.

tony the thought of you swiveling yer hips and pouting makes me feel ill but at the same time hate myself for being aroused, nice one.

sam problem-child- bride Eurovision here i come, maybe kieran will sing it.