Saturday 2 December 2006

Looking For Inspiration.

1. grab the nearest book. no cheating! the nearest book.

2. open the book to page 123.

3. find the fifth sentence

4. post the text of the next four sentences on your blog, along with these instructions.

5. don't you dare dig for a cool or intellectual book on your shelf. pick out whatever is closest!

Here WW2 is winding down, and Eugene (Broderick) forsakes Brooklyn for Biloxi, Miss, and ten grueling weeks of army basic training ,where he comes that much closer to manhood.Quite wonderful, in its best moments. Followed by TV movie BROADWAY BOUND. Super 35. [PG-15]

Yes my book was a film guide, more than 16,000 entries you know, sounds like my love life.
I got this from Rich at upright mechanics on my links, and he caught it off robyn so blame them, dirty buggers.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You did it.
I must say I'm really disappointed your nearest book wasn't a gurlie mag.
Especially after that full frontal of Hemingway … enough to turn a ghey man straight, that one …

Old Knudsen said...

Hemingway may be intersted in the history of Cuba but who else is? I had lots of pretentious, intellectual books but I didn't want to seem like a knobend.

Anonymous said...

See, now I think this is marvelous, although as I write this comment I can still see the head of the Hemingway photo (the top one). Nice reading.

Old Knudsen said...

What have you got against the Hemster? if you like santa you must like erny.

tony said...

"uh-uh ,no.I been paid already an' I guess that comes from you anyway.But what I need is for you to help me understand whats happening.........."DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS2 by Walter Mosley(p123)

Old Knudsen said...

This is like messages from fate, now you just have to work out what it means to you.

Anonymous said...

"This proud man waved to the United fans packing two sides of the Millenium Stadium, then walked down the tunnel with his head bowed, deep in thought" page 123, Roy Keane Red Man Walking by Frank Worrall.

Old Knudsen said...

Welcome Mairead, I suspect you may have an unhealthy obsession for Roy Keane.

Old Knudsen said...

Don't worry, I'll be a character witness for you.