Monday 18 December 2006

Ed Norton says "Happy Birthday brad".

Of course Brad leads us on to Edward Norton or as he is sometimes called, the thinking woman's hunk.
Acting looks so easy and then you see a nice guy actor turn into a white supremacist who thinks nothing of kirbing someone and then you say to yourself, "shit, he can really act", you can't get yer head around it being the same fella.

Why is he doing a Bruce Willis smirk ? maybe because hes shagged Salma heyak, that lucky jammy bastard.


The Dog of Freetown said...

So have I, many times*, but you don't see me smirking like Bruce Willis.

If you imagine it, it counts right?

Old Knudsen said...

I have imagined you shagging her too, you're some pup alright.

Sassy Sundry said...

Now here's a smarty. I wouldn't say hunk, but he certainly has an arrogant air that's oddly appealing.

Old Knudsen said...

Did ya see primal fear? he was a dork all the way through then just turns dangerous, this boy can acy alright.

Unknown said...

I loved the movie, "American History X," I could relate completely on all sides. Growing up in the South were racism was prevalent and then being friends with the Blacks, my own Nanny, dried my tears and blood when Mother beat me, made me understand both sides.Going to Prison will further educate you AND give you an opinion that is hard to define. He was good in Fight Club too!

Old Knudsen said...

I didn't like the tight shirts he wore at the end of the film, they suggest he also turned ghey as well as tolerant, but I did like furlong getting killed, Yay!

Unknown said...

You are so hardcore, damn, Da! I see where I get it!

Old Knudsen said...

The older you get the less you care, its the death is getting closer and its about time syndrome.